Good Morning

This day has started off very weird and I am not liking the energy in the air. I am sitting at work feeling really uncomfortable and feel a lot of anxiety building up which is just not good.
Everything happened just fine at home this morning…

  • got to the 2nd bus and the driver waited til I got to the door and pulled up about 10 feet and stopped; went to door again and he rolled forward again. WTF??? Doors opened and he let me on spouting some bullshit about whatever… douche
  • got to where work was way too early so stopped in Jack In The Box near office to sit down and have a little knosh while waiting to go; order burned once and dopey cook kept getting confused.
  • got to work… no coffee. No coffee… WFX2
  • went to bathroom, to t.p. or hand towels

So, I know I am supposed to be really busy today and I am still waiting for the guy to show up I am supposed to get my project from. He is always late… but a nice guy. I wonder how many more days I will be working here? This is supposed t be a short term project/contract.  I hope I am done soon… maybe next week. No one seems to know.
C’est le Vie!

Car Gone – New(*) Bike

Well the truck is now gone and I am still working in vegas, but now I seem to be working a lot and actually making money. Quandary ..*
I am riding this wave and trying to get my living situation settled as soon as I figure out where I will be living in less than 2 weeks time. This new job I picked up came through some people I worked for once in the past. The thing is I was feeling like giving up on web design altogether.
This industry sucks razor balls! The tech has changed so much since I started doing this and the demand for all kinds of features… add that clients are cheap and stupid about the work that goes into this… and it is enough to just want to give up. I feel like I am in a sand pit with this career field and so do most people I know that are in it.
Anyway, when I look ahead to the future I feel there are new roads for me. There is also a chance to go back and do things I was successful at. If I move to San Francisco I will go there with an intention to reshape my future and let my past stay in my past.

New Transportation

I have had it with the truck that Drive Time sold me and just can’t afford to maintain something that keeps breaking down. Plus, by moving to San Francisco I can live without a vehicle and by buying a bike I can manage getting around on a whole other level.
I did buy a bike that had some character in it. It is a Tyler Beach Cruiser. It looked older and had a lot of character so it was worth buy for that alone. I imagine it had a lot of miles on that bad boy.

Interesting huh? Well, I tried it out and it works nicely so let’s see what happens. At least I have something to start off with and it is interesting.

Tyler Bikes: “Tyler bikes were imported from Poland in the early 1960’s and disappeared in the early 1970’s.”

It’s probably lead paint and transmitting to the Kremlin secretly while it sits here in my living room.

Is it June yet?

Well, I got a call Wednesday to go and interview at a local web company and I went and they pulled me in on the spot. No doubt because a friend of mine works there and we worked together really well last year. It’s full time work for as long as it lasts. I was told 2 to 3 weeks and I will ride it out and then get the hell out of town.
I also screwed because I am without a home in 2 weeks and have to be somewhere…. I certainly cannot rely on anyone in Vegas for housing and it’s not like I have a lot of options. But, there is always an option. I came up with a plan A:

Plan A: Get a room at the Siegel Suites and pay weekly for a seedy shithole while I put my stuff in storage. I figure I can rent a van and get moved up to SFO then.

Thank goodness I will have generated some decent cash from this gig. I hope these guys get the sense I can do this job and let me hang and pile up a little cash. I am still giving up my car which is having mechanical problems anyways. It keeps staling out on me in busy intersections and streets. …ugh… how awful.
No matter what I should be leaving Vegas by mid June at the latest. I am just done with this city and I need to move on. It was decent while it lasted my loves.

In My Head

I am feeling very reflective lately and without any doubt it is all about the coming changes coming into my life. I made the leap from the plane to say ‘I am moving to San Francisco’.  I made a choice for change and I am falling out of through the sky headed for earth with my fists clenched and teeth gritting together….
At some point the parachute is going to open… right? At some point fate and life is going to shift speeds and I am going to land and be able to walk on a new path and start making a new life.
I have to be able to to walk and keep walking because I am at middle age. I have to look to the future and say – ‘hey, you have no retirement and no pillow if the world falls out from under you’. There is no one who is looking out for me or can rescue me will have my back.
When I think about those people I CHOSE to have in my life I have chosen to be involved with people who would never help me. That is until I met many of the Burners I have met. In the default world one of two things have happened:

  1. People in the world I have called friends (the kind of friend you think always had your back) have about 90% of the time stabbed me in the back and tried to destroy me…
  2. Or ask for help and see their hand jut out looking for something in return…

More people and family have failed me than I can really stomach.
I have failed a lot of people in life myself and at some point realized it. The problem with having an epiphany like that is that there is no going back. There is no building that bridge again because it means trust has been destroyed.

I do think I am different in this area though and in rare cases hold real grudges. I can think of some people who I felt really betrayed by and if they sat down with me and had a good conversation I would open up to them really quickly.

That’s neither a fault or a blessing, as it were, neither being conducive to ruminating on the past or carrying that baggage any further into the future.
The one relationship I will never be able to recover that I regretted fucking up more than any other is the one with my sister. Her and I have not got along well our entire lives. There is a ton of baggage on that and inside me from it. This does not include my step-siblings whom I feel close to.
If I died tonight I would ask this site be kept alive as long as possible and people get to know me. I do want my story told, but somehow I would think I would have to be the one who wrote it. There are some features in that story that would make a lot of jaws drop open and… most guarantee that the people who think I am nuts… would be sure I was nuts.
Me, Jack and Uncle ChuckI have a lits of people I would apologize to and ask for forgiveness to:

  • Mom: I wish I was a better son and I wish I never went to you to borrow money and failed to pay you back. You probably should have told me “no”, but I know you love and cared for me more than anyone. I know you did more for me as a kid and as an adult than anyone.
  • Bob: You were at times more of a dad to me than my own father because you were open with me, you set boundaries, and you proved you can be vulnerable. I see the relationship with your biological children and see it very different than they. I feel lucky to see you as I have. I respect what they perceive.
  • Lynn: There are no words to tell you that from the beginning that I would imagine what future we had and did not have. I was a horrible brother and I got so caught up in the wrong things. I still get lost in them, but finally I am seeing that I have made a lot of stupid and selfish choices.
  • Jack: I want nothing to be like you. If I open my mouth and hear your voice come out I actually shake. We were father and son for most of the first decade of my life, but when you decided to make our lives an accessory to yours you found out you could detach and divorce what anyone else cared about. You have no idea how many mean and evil things you said to me since in I was a little kid. You have no idea how much you screwed me. You think when I divorced you that it was about money but it was an epiphany that I was not the fat, stupid, worthless, not worthy of your name kid you abused the shit out of in his teens. And the shadow you kept casting over me in adulthood had to be turned off.
  • Christine, Jennifer and Sean: It was good growing up with you. You are like my own blood, but Jennifer these days I barely know you.
  • Rob, Mona and Tracey: I like you very much and I wish we had more connections.
  • Ron: My first true love and soul mate – I still think of you and regret that I lost you. When you died I was left with a big weight on my heart that never went away.
  • Adolfo: The last man I can imagine ever loving as much as I did and a soul mate that gave me this awkward balance I wanted to keep so badly. Then it all went horribly wrong and it was my fault. Then we tried something for a moment and it broke like a crystal ornament falling to the ground. I wish you peace and love in your heart.

I suppose I would think of more one day. But these are the people that dominate my mind and my therapy. The biggest demon of that time has been the issues I had with my father and that is a mountain unto itself.
I regret that my heart has been seemingly made of green grass and I have been out and out cruel to so many people around me. I am sorry I have been so impatient to so many. It bothers me I can look into someone’s eyes and see an empty void. It is hard to see through people who are so disingenuous and actually lie so easily.
There has been a lot said here tonight and a lot laid out that no one will care about and no one will appreciate for the right reasons.
If this was a suicide note I might have expanded a little more, but suicide is something I could never do. I have wished for death and prayed for a swift end… even often wishing I would never wake up in the end. In some ironic metaphysical bitch-slap our dear God has managed to keep me healthy and strong as a cosmic ‘kiss my ass‘.

San Francisco

I arrived in San Fran on Friday for 3 days of what was called a Burning Man Leadership Summit. My role in the community has been more of a facilitator with stuff BM related.
Well, I can say it was pretty fantastic and I stayed on point here for the reason I was here which was to grow. In spite of some people acting shitty I did okay and can be pleased with myself.
I got to meet some primo burners who are leaders here I have been longing to meet. There were lots of hugs and even a lot more tears than I expected to shed.
Alas, the weekend was punctuated with a budding romance, believe it or not. I met a guy here that really niched his way into my heart.
His nick name was Bruno and he was 10 years my senior. WHAT? Yes… but really a sweet guy. We kissed “until next time” at the gate for his flight home.
It was nice enjoying that moment. Well, I will post more tomorrow and put up some pics.
If you want to know more about the food I experienced see and if you want to see my posts on the summit so far go to

Where? What? Huh?

Been feeling like making an entry, but my thoughts were focusing on negative things and I think I need to vary away from all that. I get so angry when I think about the pure evil that Cameron and Melissa have inflicted on this community and how so many people think it is so damn cute.
Anyway, I am working hard on getting this art project funded and off the ground, but fate seems to be working against me again. Maybe I am just walking down the wrong road? I cannot seem to get people to support me on this endeavor at least not at the level I really need.
Anyway, I have  a couple garments I am finishing up this weekend and one of them is so cool looking! I will scan them in and post on my portfolio site. 🙂

2011 Has Begun

I have been very reflective the last couple of weeks with the beginning of the year. I am questioning my place in the community I have come to love so much.
One basic fact is there are a hell of a lot of really cool people whom I can say I genuinely love. Those same people send a lot of love back. If I could manage to find someone I could date with that same vibe, I would be the luckiest guy on earth.
There is a handful of people in that same group that I have managed to alienate and it is because I let myself, no put myself, into the political machine and am now officially chewed up as much as I can stand. You should have seen how much I worked to stay out of that role up to a point, but through a pseudo mentorship from someone I trusted who is a leader in the community I let myself get wrapped up in the wrong things.
It started with one nasty person who became a cancer in something so wonderful. Is it true, the one bad apple can spoil a whole pie, idea? Yes.

You either die a hero, or you
live long enough to see yourself become
the villain.

That quote from Harvey Dent in the Batman movie resonates in my head as I write this, and from an email I sent in private earlier today. Does it apply to me? Does it apply to Cameron? Either way, I feel like the one going down in flames.

I question my continued involvement for a lot of reasons. Will I make it to Burning Man this year, I am making every effort to get there, but not with the same energy I have had for the last 2.5 years.

As this community takes on fissures and fractures and comes undone I will continue to try and do my best. But it is time to pull the cord on the political discourse.

This is really eating me alive.

Hey Sexy

Somehow this morning I seem to have smokers voice… what is up with that? Do I sound sexy, baby? HA HA HA… I already started working this morning after an hour plus wasted on CityVille. Calling metal fabricators to get the materials I need for my art project, then also hoping to get on with all my other plans.
I am worried, very worried, about income versus ability to go to Burning Man this year. I am looking for a job and even though I am doing that I am not working. No income coming in, not really, but what there is is finite.
Anymore surprises like I got for NY’s (my clutch dying on my car) that cost 400$ I did not have to spend and I am toast. For the very grace of God was I able to do anything about it, but it kills me on 2 items I was intent on doing in the next week.
Money donated through the IndieGoGo funding campaign is to stay separate and accounted for. I do not want any blurry lines.
Anyway… I hope all goes well. I have some amazing stuff to offer.


Well, the day is winding down and I feel lik the face life of UrielsJournal is basically done. I am sure I will add more over time. I am also very interested in hearing what people think.
Odly, I know people are visiting and reading through these pages and I do not get a lot of comments. I know I used to get a lot more back in time, like through the period when I lived in Boston to shortly after moving to Las Vegas. Maybe I will hear more in the future?
My mom reads these things… unless she gave up on it and ran away because there was too much depressing shit on here. Lord knows I have enough blog sites out there. No… I cannot tell you off handed how many there are. REDCarte.Com, Art23Design.Com, GotNurv.Com and this one are probably the most active of them.
Anyway, I took my sleeping pill a few minutes ago and am waiting for all the wheels in the head to get a guncked up and pass out. You might have noticed my tweet yesterday how FUCKED UP this year has started off with… but it is so wierd that as fucked up as it was that I am still okay.
My mom worries too much about me and I am sure at this point she thinks I am completely off my nut. I am in a good way. I am wanting to be happy in life doing something that makes it worth getting up for everyday… but it’s not been available to me.
My father always told me to keep my head down and nose to the grindston and blah blah blah. He spent his career in a job he hated, because it served a couple purposes. 1. He never had to care about what anyone else thought. 2. He was probably fucking everything he could find while driving his truck. 3. It put food on the table and let him save enough money to retire at 55. So, there is a wisdom in that (point 3 specifically) but he is a miserable, selfish man who … well, let’s just close that baggage before we go any further.
The point is I get his point on that point. Following that? Is it selling my soul to get a job I hate to get through the next day? Is it wrong of me to want to do amazing things with art and such? Food! Yes, making food! If I could I would have a restaurant!
This chick who own Forte Tapas here in Vegas loves art and food and she has her place, but she has to be a lot smarter than me. She has it.
Okay, don rambling tonight. I put the facelife on UrielsJournal and am putting a facelife on GayBurners.Com hopefully finishing tomorrow.

The New Year

At the end of 2010 I made a promise to myself that I would not put any negative statements on Facebook. I see a few people posting out their personal dramas on there and I do not think people care. Even friends or psuedo-friends as it were.
I’ll say this… 2010 ended in fireworks and 2011 started in ashes and a foot full of dog poop.
In the evening of 12/31 my Chamsa broke off my neck; it is a charm that in the magical world is designed to protect one from evil/demons (one in particular but I wear it as general protection). So, I drove off to the party Friday night and and had an amazing night. BUT! When I was ready to leave after I could not move my car. Some part of the clutch went out so I have to leave it there.
The next day being a national holiday, I could not move it. But Monday I got it to the garage and that bill came to 400$.. every cent I had so now I am broke until next week.
On top of that, my phone is not working correctly and half the buttons will not do anything. Nothing happened to it as far as I know, but I see a separation between the face and the body. Ugh… so irritated.
I know all these things sound minor and little, especially in the face of other people and their bigger issues, but it feels like since the beginning of the year there has been one problem after another.
I’m just bitchin’ because I can I guess.
Along with this rant, I’ll note that Aldo and I broke up on Christmas Day and I was really bummed. He did not deserve me. He blew me off on Christmas and my birthday so those were the coffin nails as it were. He was such a cute, sweet guy and was actually into me but I will NOT be dissed!!!
Okay, more to come soon.
How do you like the new design?