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Scott’s Been Cooking Again!
Well, tonight I was working on one of my new business plans and I was
Nothing special going on tonight… Adolpho is working all day and I
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Scott’s Been Cooking Again!
Well, tonight I was working on one of my new business plans and I was
Nothing special going on tonight… Adolpho is working all day and I
Here is a pic from the web cam of me and Adolfo. I realize that in the last
few weeks I have been jumping around man to man. I also made this great decision
that I was in no place for a boyfreind right now as well. I suppose that means
I have been all over the map? God’s honest truth is I do not neccessarily knopw
what I want. For that matter, I think a lot of people have no clue at all what
the fuck they want in the first place. Yes, I still think men suck. When it
comes to relationships men are the worst creatures.
Adolfo and I met in Long Beach, California back in 1994. We were both out at
Ripples (a gay dance club on the beach there), and as I recall I had to do a
lot of chasing around for him. Anyway, we dated a while I think. Something like
3 or 4 months. I think we did a lot of things together. We went to Disneyland
(anything Disney I love!) and we went to visit my mom for Thanksgiving. I know
we even spent Christmas that year together, ya know. How do I know all this???
Well, in one of my oldest photo albums contains all those memories. I had to
ask him about what the hell happened to us? Why did we stop seeing each other?
Well, as it turns out we seemed to have glided away from each other and stopped
calling each other. I thought he was not really interested in me and he was
unsure of where I stood at the time as well. Makes sence, if you think about
it, because neither of us were talking about these things with each other. Another
problem is that I have NO memory of the past… that is much of my history is
pretty blank. I cannto explain this… except some experimenting between the
ages of 16 and 17 that may still be causing some…. deterioration.
As it turned out, I moved to Boston in 1996 and about the same time Adolfo
moved to Las Vegas. So, Jeffy-Jeff and I were shopping at Desert Passage and
as we were strolling past one of the shops I noticed one fine looking boy. I
noticed one fine looking ass. Yeah baby! THEN he turned arouns and the looks
of recognistion were registering. Could I remeber his name? No… Yet he could
instantly recall everything about me. I tell you, my brain is fried.
It took a while for us to connect. I went through Hector and some other guy
in the interim and since then Adolfo and I have been spending a lot of time
together. He is originally from El Savadore and and is nearly my age. He is
close to his family and is really laid back which I dig. I was able to tell
him some of my darlest secrets which makes him a keeper.
On another note… I am working on the business stuff again and will be preparing
for next week. The new YOB starts next week and I am anticipating all the way!
It’s been just a few days since I made an entry in my diary. A few things have
happened since then. Mostly, I have been missing Mikey. Mikey was supposed to
be coming home today and he got stuck in Canada because of our bizarre border
laws. I know there are reasons for these rules, but give me a break. This is
a country that will let terrorists in but not loopy Canadians!
Anyhoo, Saturday I was chased into the WAL Mart parking lot by a nice woman
who said I should be modeling. She invited me to a "model search"
and I went. It’s a decent looking enough organization, but the whole thing was
a dog and pony show to show their website www.optionstalent.com where models
can be listed and searched through their data base. It’s a good idea. They put
on a big show and I guess myself and a few other people there kinda stood out…
not, my ego is in check. I know I am not a greek god or anything like that.
But, I photograph well and I am in the process of loosing weight. So, it is
coming together.
Anyway, I like what they are offering. I would like to list myself on the site
and see what work I can do from it. It would cost 800.00 and they want payment
this week. What I do not like is this whole salesman stroke… Sales people
are such scum and you can tell they hired professional sales people to call
clients after the introduction. I got this clown named Mark over there giving
me the whole shmooze and trying to work another client. You would have loved
to listen to this. He used all the tricks including saying there was a limited
time to take this great offer and not to mention all the pseudo approval process
for ‘my look’. (I am rolling my eyes big time)…
Yes, I would like to go for it. I called the Ford and Wilhelmina modeling agencies
today and they both heard of Options. Ford never uses their models and Wilhelmina
used one once. Well, these are the cream of modeling agencies and figure this
is still a good sign. Ford’s website is awesome and – for sure – they do not
need Options.
What else happened????
Well, if you have been reading these entries, then you know about Hector? If
not, read back. Well, there is the guy I ran into recently whom I used to date
about 8 years ago in Los Angeles. Actually, he lived in Whittier, California
when we dated and something happened where we drifted apart. I do not recall
what that was and I had to ask him.
This guy is named Adolfo and I was shopping at the Desert Passage with friend
Jeff who was visiting on a long weekend. I dated Adolfo in 1994 for a couple
months and it was going pretty well. Somehow we ended up not really breaking
up so much as drifting apart and just did not call each other at some point.
He is just the type I am attracted to. He is petite, mexi, uncut, a great kisser,
and more. He is very affectionate if not a little on the codependent side. BUT,
a very sweet guy.
He stayed over the last couple nights and hung out. How great was that? Anyway…
it’s all good. It makes me think the Hector thing was a lesson learned before
I could get it together with Adolfo. Way cool.
That was three big things. I am feeling very upset over Mikey right now and
am happy that I am doing other things, though. I tell you, I want to take a
chance at good opportunities here. I wish that have the money for the Options
website, but may need to wait or pass. I do not have the money right now. I
would love to get some liposuction to knock off that little weight I am holding
onto too! Well, I will hear about payment methods on Thursday night.
Oh, and next Tuesday my other job starts too. I got a call this morning confirming
it and I get to pop off to Boulder City for training. I am so totally excited.
This is also going to be cool as well.
Oh, my 16 year old stud puppy is now posting on UrielsLantern. So… click
the HOME button up top and see his postings! He’s a brilliant guy!
Well, I did it… I got some needed updates done on this site so it looks a
little better and a little more intuitive. I keep adding features to it and
these fancy-schmancy flash menus take a little time and patience to put together.
Mind you, there nothing like Mikey puts together for his sites. He uses the
real flash while I cheat with Swish. He reminded me periodically that – it’s
not real flash… If he reads this he will say … I never said anything.
But he always murmurs that Swish is just for text after he say something about
it. I do not think he realizes he does that! Ha ha ha – yes, I find it funny
and Mikey better not get pissy over it or I will kick his ASS! Oh, wait… he
does not have an ass.
Anyhoo…. I also added my own message board to this site. Fuck you GC (Chuck
Cavanaugh at gay cams)! Little toad took a personal attitude toward me and banned
me from his site because he could. The little weasel had a pennies worth of
power and used it… yawn! His attitude and recent bannings along with me are
making him look like a bigger fool every day. He sits alone in his tiny apartment
– key word ALONE – and hovers over his laptop all day long. At least the computer
won’t tell him what an idiot he is. Oh wait… it probably does.
I got Tom a new dog collar yesterday and spent a day out with him, too. The
little puppy needed a day out of the apartment and we went to the dog park over
at Sunset Park where I met this cool group of Dykes I might hang with in the
future. Kathy kicks ass and Theresa was cool too. The third gal- Rhonda – she
seemed really nice as well. I hope I hook up with them!
Guess what!?!?! I actually had a good night’s sleep last night drug free! You
ask yourself … wh wh what???? Well, in order to sleep most nights I take anything
from NyQuil to Excedrine PM or melatonin or whatever to sleep. I was so tired
when I went to bed last night that I just snoozed. I was thrilled about it when
I got up this morning. Why? Why was last night different than any other night?
Well, I am not sure. I did pay a lot of bills yesterday that were starting to
go past due and maybe that relieved a lot of pressure.
I also wanted to open a new checking account because I am fed up with Wells
Fargo. Washington Mutual has the best commercials that really define a bank
like Wells Fargo that will fee the unholy hell out of you. It’s a nice commercial,
but Washington Mutual is such a fucked up bank! No deposits allowed in the ATM?
High high high fees for EVERYTHING ELSE except to put your checking account
there. Oh my GOD! The branch was so nice, but the policies of this bank were
outrageously bizarre! They implied that these policies were in Nevada because
of gambling addiction… well, I walked out. I though Chex Systems and Credit
bureaus were for financially troubled people… but hell! I will check out one
of the credit unions here today.
I guess that’s it for now. Check out all the new stuff on the site!
I have been thinking a lot about this whole Hector incident and why I didi
what I did. Why did I crunch over this other guy while I strongly suspected
Hector was right there??? What was it? All I can conceive is that my heart knew
it would never work out. He had just told me he had to move to Seattle next
month and here I am JUST settling into my life here. He told me he cared for
me a lot and I felt stronger for him. But, was it too much too soon?
Alas I have to agree that I was wrong and that the future would be different.
I will try and be a better man to the next person – if there is a next person
in my life.
It is so fucking hot here tonight. I have been feeling off-key all frieaking
day! I went out and bought some new Joe Boxer undewear at Marshall’s today because
I am constantly ruunning out of undies. Hey. it’s freaking Marshall’s so you
know they were cheap.
I miss my Mikey (I know Nolly – he’s really your Mikey). I bought him a little
gift today with the hope he will be coming back soon to his freinds. I am really
distressed right now over emotional stuff and came home physcially and emotionally
exhausted today from my Toastmasters meeting as the gym… oh, and shopping.
Hmmm… I had a Beverly Hills Teen Age day!?!?!?! A Teen Age girl! Ha ha ha
Well, I blew it totally! I feel like my chest has imploded and I really am
ready to jump off a cliff. I just screwed everything up with Hector… as if
it was not teetering already. Hector and I had a long discussion today and a
lot of exposed feelings including some admissions. I admitted to Hector the
level of feelings I was having and told him that the ‘labels’ we were putting
on this relationship were not working for me. He wanted terms like ‘Just Friends’
while I wanted to be able to tell people we were offically dating and going
somewhere with it all.
I know Hector is less than a year from his lover passing on… I suspect he
is not really ready for all that, but I think he was considering it. He asked
me for monogamy. I agreed to it… and I have not been dating anyone else. As
far as sex is concered, I have also pretty much saved all that for Hector. Afterall,
we were not committed really until Saturday when he asked for monogamy.
Furthermore, Hector also informed me he was moving to Seattle next month. He
wondered if I would go? I donot know where I stood on that… but I might have.
All of this is moot now. An Asian guy was flirting with me pretty hard at the
gym on my way out. He followed me to my truck and I admit I was titalated. I
almost went along… I even started to go with him but I diverted and went home.
But, then my cell phone rang and it was Hecotr telling me he saw the whole thing.
Boy, he was mad at me. In the end, I broke all trust with him.
My heart is absolutely broken right now. But, maybe it is for the better? I
do feel like I am missing out completely on something that could have been wonderful.
One of my freinds told me he would never accept me for me. I suppose he was
Single again
I wanted to add this part yesterday morning when I wrote my last entry, but
I forgot it for various reasons. Mikey stayed here right before he left for
TO. He also left a notebook here with some of his things that he did not need
to drag north. I was cooking and I saw it there and I felt sad because I miss
my FunkyMunkey! We were seeing each other almost everyday before he flew away,
so you can imagine what it feels like to have someone vanish like that. I picked
up the notebook and looked at it realizing that the cover of it reminded me
of… Noah!?!?! The cover of this notebook reminds me of the cover of Noah’s
site. So, I held the book a little while re-establishing myself with the FunkyMunc.
I forced myself to the gym last night, too. After a day of errands and bill
paying I meandered off to the gym much later than usual. There are a couple
guys I have been flirting with there. What is the deal??? I usually go to the
gym at noon almost daily and I ended up wandering in at 6 pm last night only
to see A LOT OF PEOPLE who are there when I go at noon. Do these losers have
Anyway, Hector was there too. The poor baby was suffering from losing his voice
and I wanted him to come over for some chicken soup!
About Hector, I am not dating or fucking anyone else right now as this has
the potential of working out. Also, I want to share everything with him right
now but do not to tell him too much about myself as I fear I might put him off.
Anyway, before I sign off. I want to share an e-mail I recieved yesterday about
my previous diary entries:
—–Original Message—– From: Gary [mailto:edited out] Sent: Monday, April
01, 2002 12:53 PM To: actionhero@actionheronetwork.com Subject: RE: Moved Maybe
I’m wrong, but you seemed to get a little critical of yourself (at least that’s
the impression I got). Maybe it was because of this line: That is a valid concern.
I have dated way too many people in the past … well, dated, screwed, and other
things. I think that’s where it came from. Don’t mind me… I’m still adled
from moving furniture all weekend! 😉 You know I still love you! Gary
Another day gone by …. I woke up this morning looking at paying bills. Yes,
every two weeks I spend the morning going through my bills and paying what I
can. As some of you may recall, my unemployment ran out in the end of February
and since then I have been getting by onthe skin of my teeth. If it were not
for a guardian angel who visits my site I would be homeles and picking half
eaten big macs out of the dumpster somewhere. maybe it’s not all that bad, I
am rather stubborn about overcoming hardship. I can ask for help when needed.
And boy, my back was against the wall this morning.
I should be okay though… thanks to my angel. He is a nice man who has been
there for me and I completely appreciate it.
I am still working hard on developing myself. I am an entrprenuer. I am an
artist. I am an honest and gentle person. April is bringing a lot of great changes
inmy life all of which I am very grateful for. I met a guy I like a lot whom
I am starting to date. I am starting a new contract position on 4/16 that I
am looking forward to! I am also earning money on the side with some of my projects.
It’s not the lottery, but it is keeping me to a point. This is my turn around
Hecotr is coming over this week and I am going to cook him dinner. He has been
very sweet and understanding to my financial situation, but I think he sees
this is a temporary situation for me and knows I am not using him. I wanted
to take Hecotr for dinner on Saturday, but he insisted on picking up the check.
He is as stubborn as I am! No, I could not really afford to spend much money
(money at all really), which is why we went to the Olive Garden.
I hope to hear from people reading my diary entries!
Yesterday I commented about a guy named Hector whom I recently met and
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Let’s admit one thing, dating sucks! There are good times and all but the bottom
line the ‘not-knowing’ if it will work out or …if you will have feelings develope
and he does not… or is this ‘just sex’ versus an emotional commitment. Blah
blah blah… We all go through this shit.
Well, back to Hector anyway. He and I had a very nice time last night and talked
about some important things as far as our dating future is concerend. Looks
like things are looking very positive.
Why is there a picture of Martin Valko here (sexiest adult star on the plant!)?
I think Hector looks a lot like him to be honest. And just as sexy! Last night
Hector and I went out for dinner to the prestigious Olive Garden and had a light
dinner that left us stuffed. We flowed over to IKON where we both ran into people
we knew. It was an awkward position to be in because neither of us have committed
to ‘dating’ each other. One of Hector’s friends asked me if Ihad a lover and
all I could say was no… I couldnot say "Well, we are dating". Hecotr
was appreciative how I answered the question and let me know, which I thought
was sweet. He did admit he had concerns about me being monogamous. He says it
is because of the many men I have dated in the past.
That is a valid concern. I have dated way too many people in the past … well,
dated, screwed, and other things. I want a monogamous relationship and I want
to share my life with someone. I am absolutely torchured with this idea right
now and wish in my heart that I had the ability to commit to one man. I know
I can. I have been looking for this since Brian and I broke up so long ago.
It’s been 2.5 years since he and I broke up and I miss that companionship.
I was concerend yesterday that Hector was on the edge of breaking up with me.
When I saw him last night it seemed at first that he had something on his mind
that further enforeced the idea that I was about to be dumped. "Break up
with me" implies we were together!?!? I told him last night to tell me
when we can tell people we are dating. To me, we are dating. We have had four
dates and he stayed with me last night.
Nothing is carved in stone as of yet, but I feel that this could be positive
whether this works out or not. There are some issues looming over us right now
for me and for him. For me, there are issues of monogamy and my own fulfillment.
For he, Hector’s self image seems to be bruised. I thik he is absolutely beautiful
looking but he hates when I tell him how handsome he is. Is this a good thing?
He told me he feels like he is not good looking and even ugly, and I think he
believes that on a cereberal level.
Anyway, after IKON last night we went to Gypsy todance. I saw Kevin, Christian,
and Josh who were hanging out after an afternoon of drinking. They did not look
like they were having much fun, ya know. I saw the guy named Jason who I used
to date and Hecotor thought he was unattractive (even fat). [Jason can be seen
in the gallery from our date in Novemeber].
I guess a good thing is that Hecotr does not go on the web. I can write my
diary and vent and express and whine and he may well never see these entries.
What about someone else who wants to date me? When will Hector ask for a commitment?
Did he ask for one last night and I am too clueless to catch on? Do I not accept
dates from other guys until I know?
Oh crap…
Anyway… Mikey has been gone since yesterday and I already miss him. This
time away will make me appreciate him more. Boy, I need to go back to bed. Maybe
I’ll whine more later…?
Well, I got Mikey off to Toronto this morning and I actually got up at 5am
to drive him there. What is more amazing than anything is that I was able to
wake up at that ungodly hour and actually function enough to drive to the airport
without killing myself or anyone else.
I have received a lot of interesting feedback on my previous diary entry about
men. It was here I slapped a label on Latinos, Black Men, Asian Men, and White
Men. Mostly, there was positive feedback gleefully laughing at the accuracy
of my somewhat harsh words. This is not to say that all Latin Men are sluts
and Asian Men are so easy, or maybe it was? The entry was made in absolute frustration
for my whole dating experiences.
For example… I met a sweet Mexican guy recently named Alejandro and we seemed
to hit if off quite well. He showed a lot of interest and I felt rally good
about it, except for the fact that he and his boyfriend of 2 years had broken
up a few days before. What color is this warning flag, huh? RED! He really seemed
like he was okay with it so I decided to see him and after the second date we
got neked and I discovered he wanted to fuck me bareback and I told him that
I would not be comfortable with that, ya know. Not the typical PC reasons mind
you, but because I know latin guys and if I did that I would never see him again
afterward. Then I would feel like shit.
Well… Aleljandro and I did screw around (no fucking) and as soon as sex was
over the first words out of his mouth were "Oh, it’s late". Yes..
he was making an excuse to leave almost immediately after he got off. Would
you be surprised to know that I called him a couple times and never got a call
back? Would you be surprised to know I ran into him at Backstreet and he acted
like we were best buddies while we were face to face and intimated we would
see each other again soon, then he writes me via e-mail how he met someone that
night? I am thinking of a word… dirt bag.
As mentioned, I have had this bizarre interest in mexi boys lately. I like
exotic types to my own dismay. I look for a special spark of life in a guy I
meet and want to date. I always look for something interesting in the person
and a passion for life. It’s hard to find, especially here in Las Vegas because
some many people seem to be content with menial jobs with very dry aspirations
for their future. I do not understand that mentality.
Recently I met a guy named Hector who is half Mexi and half Italian. Now, that
is a spicy sexy mix, huh? The red flag with this guy is that his lover of 15
years died only last year from a heart attack that came suddenly. At the same
time, this fact makes him attractive because he was monogamous (so he claims)
and I have this idea to believe him (I am so gullible, but I trust this guys
so far). Anyway, he and I have been on 3 dates and he has said to me very forwardly
that he wants to be friends first before delving into anything else. Yes, we
have had sex. Some of the best sex and love making I have ever had!
The reality is I think this guy is going to vanish on me. He read the diary
entry I posted about Latin Men and thought I was being very mean in it. He thought
I should take it down, but that won’t happen. These diary entries are my therapy
and really are not for anyone to make any kind of demand on.
On our third date I surprised Hector with flowers and I think it really touched
him. He took me for dinner that evening and we had a nice time. We always have
a nice time together! When we came back to my place we got neked and make such
love that I tell you… I was overwhelmed! I did not cum. I did not want to.
I held back my orgasm and it left me in such a heightened state or arousal that
I worked on him all evening. I kissed him all over, along his thigh and balls,
down to his ass and up to his nipples. I suckled this delicious and beautiful
man as long as I could. My GOD I was feeling melded to this man to my soul.
I felt such love in these moments that I wonder if he could even fathom. I felt
intertwined with him.
Sex is spiritual for me. I connect at such a deep level. My fear, again, is
that he does not appreciate that gift I am offering.
I am single and I am not settling down right now. I do not feel that Hector
will commit or has the ability to do that right now. So, I am meeting other
guys and am opening to dating.
Dating is such a hard road to be on. Especially in a region where it seems
there are so many flaky and uninteresting men. There are so many sluts in Las
Vegas who cannot think beyond the tips of their dicks and have the sensitivity
of a wet sponge. I remain hopeful though and wait to see where things with Hector
will go or not go. If I meet someone else, then so be it. Another problem is
that I simply will not settle. The guy I meet has to have the right qualities.
If you’re wondering what that means then see the Dating section in the menu
of my site.
This morning I had a dream that lived out on of my greatest fears. And this
is a God’s honest truth I write here. I fear that I will grow to be an old,
angry, jaded man like so many queers seem to be. I see so many wrecked, spiritually
crushed, hopelessly bitter men skulking around. I hope someone shoots me in
the head if I ever get that way. My mom is an angry woman and I see some of
those traits in me. God bless!