Daddy Issues

I will say that this year has started off great. I turned 60 a few weeks ago and it feels like over the last four months or so that life has taken a turn. Only in good ways, I will say, all of them I am grateful for. Family has taken on a stronger meaning… chosen family versus biological family.  It has been on my mind a lot, too. My biological family has been a mess most of my life and the chaos and loathing in it has been hard on me. I know none of them have had an easy life, but it feels as if it has been one unhealthy turn after another. 

Dad and last wife

My parents did their best, I think. That is to say, they only operated within their ability and tried to better than their parents. Only in hindsight can I look back and see that there was dysfunction that went on for generations. Most of my mom’s family (brothers mostly) were drag addicts and drunks. My dad’s family was always a bit of a mystery to me, but I know my dad grew up angry at his dad (who died way too young from alcoholism I believe). I knew grand parents, but great grandparents were generally really nice people.  Hard to say where things went wrong… the 1960’s with all that free love and bullshit – right? 

My dad and I were never on he same page and I saw my time as a kid as one horrible experience after another. I could fill a book with the crazy shit that man put me through, of which I have gone through years of therapy, and can only come to terms with on my own. Like I said above, he operated with what he had. The list of shit he pulled on me is long and deep, things that fuck a kids head, like hard… but there are islands of good in there it’s hard to measure with the rest of it. 

My mom

My mom was complicated and had a lot of screwed up ideas about life. I took to a lot of her thinking, which is not a bonus. 

Both of them married badly after divorcing when I was thirteen. Well, maybe my dad did get it right with the last one. But, sadly I heard she passed away. She was a lovely person. But wife #2 and #3. Hmph

I can’t get too much further into this right now. I had no idea I was going to go down this path. This started off as something else and went here…. I think this has been on my mind.