In My Head

I am feeling very reflective lately and without any doubt it is all about the coming changes coming into my life. I made the leap from the plane to say ‘I am moving to San Francisco’.  I made a choice for change and I am falling out of through the sky headed for earth with my fists clenched and teeth gritting together….
At some point the parachute is going to open… right? At some point fate and life is going to shift speeds and I am going to land and be able to walk on a new path and start making a new life.
I have to be able to to walk and keep walking because I am at middle age. I have to look to the future and say – ‘hey, you have no retirement and no pillow if the world falls out from under you’. There is no one who is looking out for me or can rescue me will have my back.
When I think about those people I CHOSE to have in my life I have chosen to be involved with people who would never help me. That is until I met many of the Burners I have met. In the default world one of two things have happened:

  1. People in the world I have called friends (the kind of friend you think always had your back) have about 90% of the time stabbed me in the back and tried to destroy me…
  2. Or ask for help and see their hand jut out looking for something in return…

More people and family have failed me than I can really stomach.
I have failed a lot of people in life myself and at some point realized it. The problem with having an epiphany like that is that there is no going back. There is no building that bridge again because it means trust has been destroyed.

I do think I am different in this area though and in rare cases hold real grudges. I can think of some people who I felt really betrayed by and if they sat down with me and had a good conversation I would open up to them really quickly.

That’s neither a fault or a blessing, as it were, neither being conducive to ruminating on the past or carrying that baggage any further into the future.
The one relationship I will never be able to recover that I regretted fucking up more than any other is the one with my sister. Her and I have not got along well our entire lives. There is a ton of baggage on that and inside me from it. This does not include my step-siblings whom I feel close to.
If I died tonight I would ask this site be kept alive as long as possible and people get to know me. I do want my story told, but somehow I would think I would have to be the one who wrote it. There are some features in that story that would make a lot of jaws drop open and… most guarantee that the people who think I am nuts… would be sure I was nuts.
Me, Jack and Uncle ChuckI have a lits of people I would apologize to and ask for forgiveness to:

  • Mom: I wish I was a better son and I wish I never went to you to borrow money and failed to pay you back. You probably should have told me “no”, but I know you love and cared for me more than anyone. I know you did more for me as a kid and as an adult than anyone.
  • Bob: You were at times more of a dad to me than my own father because you were open with me, you set boundaries, and you proved you can be vulnerable. I see the relationship with your biological children and see it very different than they. I feel lucky to see you as I have. I respect what they perceive.
  • Lynn: There are no words to tell you that from the beginning that I would imagine what future we had and did not have. I was a horrible brother and I got so caught up in the wrong things. I still get lost in them, but finally I am seeing that I have made a lot of stupid and selfish choices.
  • Jack: I want nothing to be like you. If I open my mouth and hear your voice come out I actually shake. We were father and son for most of the first decade of my life, but when you decided to make our lives an accessory to yours you found out you could detach and divorce what anyone else cared about. You have no idea how many mean and evil things you said to me since in I was a little kid. You have no idea how much you screwed me. You think when I divorced you that it was about money but it was an epiphany that I was not the fat, stupid, worthless, not worthy of your name kid you abused the shit out of in his teens. And the shadow you kept casting over me in adulthood had to be turned off.
  • Christine, Jennifer and Sean: It was good growing up with you. You are like my own blood, but Jennifer these days I barely know you.
  • Rob, Mona and Tracey: I like you very much and I wish we had more connections.
  • Ron: My first true love and soul mate – I still think of you and regret that I lost you. When you died I was left with a big weight on my heart that never went away.
  • Adolfo: The last man I can imagine ever loving as much as I did and a soul mate that gave me this awkward balance I wanted to keep so badly. Then it all went horribly wrong and it was my fault. Then we tried something for a moment and it broke like a crystal ornament falling to the ground. I wish you peace and love in your heart.

I suppose I would think of more one day. But these are the people that dominate my mind and my therapy. The biggest demon of that time has been the issues I had with my father and that is a mountain unto itself.
I regret that my heart has been seemingly made of green grass and I have been out and out cruel to so many people around me. I am sorry I have been so impatient to so many. It bothers me I can look into someone’s eyes and see an empty void. It is hard to see through people who are so disingenuous and actually lie so easily.
There has been a lot said here tonight and a lot laid out that no one will care about and no one will appreciate for the right reasons.
If this was a suicide note I might have expanded a little more, but suicide is something I could never do. I have wished for death and prayed for a swift end… even often wishing I would never wake up in the end. In some ironic metaphysical bitch-slap our dear God has managed to keep me healthy and strong as a cosmic ‘kiss my ass‘.

Burned and Broken

What is it about the last couple of years where I seemingly burned a lot of bridges as if I was making some strange purge of people from my life? It started with my father and slowly it was as if I decided I no longer needed a lot of people in my life.

Some were absolutely toxic and dangerous, but some (as I look back) were left on the other side of a broken and badly damaged bridge with little to no hope of repair. I am left with SOME regrets and sadness that things were either out of context or seemed bigger at the time than they were.
Bottom line I am left behind standing pretty alone and pretty much either abandoned or standing over the bodies of the fallen.
It’s painful to think about the people that fell off my radar. There are some I loved so much and I honestly do not think the feelings are mutual.
I want to rip the skin off my body and put on another one and move on in my life as someone else. Someone better than me. Someone nicer than me. Someone who can appreciate people better than I.
On the verge of just letting go (don’t make more out of that than it is). I am looking for the reset button and looking for the path I am supposed to be on because I am stalled right now. I am literally in a hole I cannot talk about on this journal. Every day I stay in Vegas in this situation in this circumstance in this reality it is gunna get deeper.

My 2011 Burning Man

I updated my 2011 page for Burning Man today because as I roll forward I want some sense of my plans posted even if no one is paying attention. Grr…
Pity moment over! ha ha ha
Well, I am literally at war with two local strong figures in the Burner world because I am standing strong against their really bad behavior and I am getting my butt kicked by people who put their heads in the sand. There is always that danger that I was wrong, but I am getting a lot of support OFF the record and in some occasions ON.
The thing is Burners generally seem to want to stay away from drama and are willing to put up with crap and avoid avoid avoid rather than standing strong and saying – “oh hell no!” Me, I really believe in Burning Man and I believe in what the I get from the 10 Principles and I hate to see it crapped on like it is.
I cried about this in a previous entry on my Burner Blog and the drama has continued. In fact, the tension has continued. I made the post public because I felt it needed to be discussed publicly and when that happened it took new shape.

2011 Has Begun

I have been very reflective the last couple of weeks with the beginning of the year. I am questioning my place in the community I have come to love so much.
One basic fact is there are a hell of a lot of really cool people whom I can say I genuinely love. Those same people send a lot of love back. If I could manage to find someone I could date with that same vibe, I would be the luckiest guy on earth.
There is a handful of people in that same group that I have managed to alienate and it is because I let myself, no put myself, into the political machine and am now officially chewed up as much as I can stand. You should have seen how much I worked to stay out of that role up to a point, but through a pseudo mentorship from someone I trusted who is a leader in the community I let myself get wrapped up in the wrong things.
It started with one nasty person who became a cancer in something so wonderful. Is it true, the one bad apple can spoil a whole pie, idea? Yes.

You either die a hero, or you
live long enough to see yourself become
the villain.

That quote from Harvey Dent in the Batman movie resonates in my head as I write this, and from an email I sent in private earlier today. Does it apply to me? Does it apply to Cameron? Either way, I feel like the one going down in flames.

I question my continued involvement for a lot of reasons. Will I make it to Burning Man this year, I am making every effort to get there, but not with the same energy I have had for the last 2.5 years.

As this community takes on fissures and fractures and comes undone I will continue to try and do my best. But it is time to pull the cord on the political discourse.

This is really eating me alive.


There are some constants in this universe around me I cannot seem to escape:

  1. I am a magnet for idiot drivers on the road; lately is seems like it is always a California license plate. If those people would practice more with their texting and hands-free driving they might be better drivers.
  2. People will prattle on a long ass time about their own lives no matter how busy I am and they will do it in spite of the vacant and distant expression that I know MUST be on my face. Look, stupid, Smallville is on. Stop talking!!!
  3. If I am running late getting out the door, Tom will need to go out and pee.

So – yeah.

Today to Tomorrow

I have been blessed on many levels and I need to count those blessings more often. I know my prayers are being heard, but even though there is a long delay in the results, I am still managing.
I am blessed that I can still maintain a home, put food on the table, and be healthy. I can see a doctor when I need to thanks to the V.A. and I am on a regimine to becoming what I hope is – a healthier individual.
I am blessed because people love me for me. I am blessed because I have friends who hug me when I see them. I am blessed because thee are people who love me. And someone says he loves me, too.
Why am I still stuck in this spot though… not moving forward?

Tell me why?

I have not been posting here very often, I think I am now apologizing amost weekly, but am sick by where I am in life and the direction it is all going into.
Today I put a posting on Twitter that… well, that gave me pause. I wondered how it was that every male I have looked up to in the past has managed to let me down. How every man I put on a pedistal ended up disapointing me.
Here, I thought most of my issues revolved around women. Here I am having worked my way down that road, with better relationships with women, to realize I have more issues to deal with.
It’s like a conveyor belt at a friggin airport.

Now what?

Can’t say I can see the future… but after my last three entries I had hopes for something to go more positive. Now I deleted those three entries thinking I might be deluding myself once again.
I live life with a head full of pixie dust and dreams. For an artist who could support himself that might be a good thing, but a down and out loser who is making chump-change and can’t maintain a job it’s not so good.
Maybe dad was right about a lot of things, maybe he was just an asshole. None the less, there are times when his advice seems brilliant and his words take on meaning.
I feel stupid for believing in people and believing in myself. I’m stupid for trying to be
Meh… mom stop reading these stupid entries and and just delete the email login I sent you… you needn’t get wrapped up in my shit. I should have told you that already. When we talked on the phone earlier I had hopes that things with Adolfo and I were really going to go somewhere. I’m not so sure.
I’m a huge fuckup. I am the living embodiment of fuckup.

Identity Crisis

Scott Aug 1966Since coming back from Burning Man I have made a lot of promises to myself, most of which I have managed to keep. These promises are all for my personal well-being and growth.
However, I have been left in this cloud where there is a distinct lack of direction and ability to latch onto something to get my life evolving forward.

  • I’ve made this promise of sobriety; not that I am a drunk or anything but I spent much of the last 2 years partying and doing things that were fun, but there is a point where one wants to take a step back and re-asses.
  • I’ve made this promise to eat food that is better for me; in fact I have been doing quite well. Fast food wrecks my internals parts and I feel bloated and gross after eating almost anything coming out of a drive-thru window.
  • I’ve set goals to create more and do more independent projects; I have 3 projects in the fire right now as seen on

I am left without a sail right now and as I have worked to be a better person, both inside and out, I have found that something is broken.
Truth be told, I have been seeing a psychologist for a while talking about things in life and some of the baggage that I have been holding onto. A LOT OF STUFF keeps going back to the relationship between my father and I as well as my biological sister and I.

Family Shot: Me, Dad, and Uncle on my moms side

Family Shot: Me, Dad, and Uncle Chuck on my mom's side of the family.

My father and I had a very painful and disconnected relationship growing up and I was exploring some of it in a piece of art I was working on last night. His voice and his verbal abuse that literally sought to break me into something as loathsome as himself:

  • You are worthless
  • You are nothing
  • You are a mistake
  • You are not worth carrying my name

And a lot more items that still echo in my head and have reemerged while struggling with this unemployment situation and struggling to find my foothold as I march forward. At some point in my life Jack Kraske and Scott Kraske became passive/aggressive enemies and faith and love for this man was crushed.
He and my sister will never understand where I am coming from and there was a point about 2 years ago when I finally realized, my father has no faith in me at all.

  • My biological sister was always the one who could do no wrong, her pedestal was pretty high
  • She lied about a fight we had to the family and there is no way she can recant without looking like a fool
  • She has told her 3 absolutely beautiful children she was an only child
  • She is denying access for her kids to my mom and lies to her constantly

There is obviously a lot of baggage there too. I have had to come to terms with that relationship falling away because I do not think she and I have had a conversation in 25 years. There was something a couple years ago and she cowardly hid behind her husband speaking out of pure ignorance and stupidity… long story.
It’s all so very ugly and haunts me, because this is immediate family and is really filled with dysfunction and disconnection making “family” a four letter word. The people who are closest to you hurt you the worst. I feel like the black seed that has caused a cancer in this family that has gone beyond the immediate circle and branched up the chain enough that my mistakes are compounded by the history that began with my poor judgement. I refuse to be abused any more and I made another promise: To stop tearing myself down thinking it makes me humble… it just looks pathetic and hurts people that care about me.