The Day After… 5th Anniversary

Last night we had a few guests over to help us celebrate our 5 years together. Which included the year we spent together in the early ninties. I think it all comes together.

So, I did not get much sleep yesterday. I passed out after breakfast on the couch and probably could have slept through a fire alarm. So, some smart ass aparently took a picture of me.

I was out pretty good, because Adolfo did a lot stuff and ran the dishwasher and nothing moved me for a few hours. I need more sleep before work tonight!

If you saw the pics on the cover then you saw we had a nice taco bar and nibbles. The cake was amazing! I buy it from Freeds Bakery and although it was not exactly what I wanted it was fab! 2/3 of it is still in the fridge!

I was really disapointed so many people were not able to come. Yes, it was a last minute thing, but fucking people can’t do anything last minute in this town. The only people to show up was the 1 other couple you see in the pic. We’ve known them forever though.

We exchanged some gifts. I boughht him one of the new iPods with video. He got me the Superman watch and a watch case we were looking at a couple days ago. Secretly, I was hoping he would buy me this white leather jacket I found.

Oh well… I worked hard. Spent 200$ on food… then ended up wrapping most of it up. Dammit.. but we watched ‘Memoirs of a Geisha’ and it was really good!

I have to say this is probably surprising after the last diary entry… but since then we have been rebuilding things a little. With him I get very very very frustrated and at some point we finally clear the air. Wierd how he takes me right to the edge and then SNAP were back to goodie goodie.

I was seriously ready to put his shit in the 2nd bedroom and call it quits! Let’s see how long this lasts. And, I think I finally got him a good gift. Finally!

over it

it may not be worth bitching too much about. as usual i am pissed off at adolfo and i am about at the end of my rope with him. i find myself completely tired of his negative attitude toward anything. seriously, a week before our 5 year anniversary… i am ready to call it quits. i am just so completely finished… my heart broke a while back and my feelings have been stretched.

i love him, but i am not ‘in-love’ anymore. it’s hard to accept that idea, but someone asked me that today and i am being forced to think about it or real… my parents will never understand why i feel this way. i know my mom thinks i’m nuts anyway.

i’m just tired of it

just a few wurdz….

I talked to Gary this moening and he asked if I was okay having read my previous blog. I’m usually okay, to be honest, but Adolfo goes up my nose. I am not sure where we are in our relationship, there are a lot of factors, but I have long been bothered that he does not do all the things in life I think he should. He has to take some personal responsibilities; get a car etc… I feel like his taxi driver often.

I’m not sure who is stil reading the diary, but I am have a lot of fun with my mySpace thingy still. I’ll be posting whole new galleries this week so look ofrward to those.

No other news to report. I am a boring bitch. Still waiting to hear from Terry on his visit to LV next month. xo

Life sucking in drive (D)

Life is so up and down… today I am feeling relly down. I get upset about the stupidest things and I let some things effect me to the point of physical and emotions fatigue. These are times when I sart questioning my relationship and my place in the world. I am so over Las Vegas, but I am a slave to the $$ I am making here.

I know I can move on to the world outside LV and make a living and a life. Just, how to get to that point, ya know?

Mom was here again this weekend and between her and Bob it was a panfully bad visit. This is the second visit that went to hell. Last time they were here in mid Feb was to pick up their chairs that they ordered from RC Willey … well they were not in and the whole time they were here they had miserable luck and generally bad expereinces…

This time Bob hit another car while driving with mom and Adolfo in it. They FINALLY got these expensive chairs from RC Willey (who was completely unapologetic) and then on the way home tonight one of the chairs fell out of the car into the freeway and was destroyed. A friggin 700 dollar frickin chair!

I told mom on the phone that she had to laugh or cry and at some point she had to laugh about it. They got home LONG time after they left. Same thing happened last time. They drive a truck that eats gas and that just sucks. She sounded so forlorn when I talked to them in Barstow on the phone.

I finally called her again and 11pm and it was just as they got home. Oh my goodness…

On another note… Adolfo is the moodiest man I have ever known. He is really pissing me off sometimes. I turns me off x10000 when gets bitchey which is 75% of the time. ARGH!!! I got an attitude this morning that still bugs me, he told me he wanted a ride to work. I laughed and dismissed that idea… want a ride to work… GET A FUCKING LISCENCE AND A GOD DAMN CAR YOU PAIN IN THE ASS! You make more money than me, bitch!!!! Fucking A! Get a god damn grip on reality! Oh, can you tell how shit fucking sick I am of this shit!

Have a nice day! xo


I workout pretty regularly at the LVAC on Eastern and 215, thought I used to go to the Karen and Maryland gym. I get good workouts in but if anyone knows me I am always at a serious battle with my weight. I’m a friggin’ chef as well as my job… ya know so food occasionally is a problem.

Anyway!!!! The gym at 215 and Eastern is slowly becoming a friggin’ retirement center for old sagging men in their 80’s walking around naked and … what happen? This gym typically has a lot of the hottest guys you have ever seen? But they are slowly being replaced by chicken skin and shrunken weeners….

LVAC on Karen was so cruisy but the attitude queens started taking over and lately it seems like it is being taken over by some serious wierdos and indigent people!

Could be my funky hours but this gym is driving me a little nuts.

Anyway, I am just venting…

… btw I am looking for a good tanning center. Any recommendations?

eyes wide shut

Life is so fucking bizarre. There is an ancient belief that the people in our lives are there for a reason. Each of us has something we can learn from the person next to us. If we’re open to those lessons it could mean several things: you become a wiser being, you become a more spitritually elevated person, or you could start getting really confused and fucked up???

I always see lessons on life. It’s the eternal Auger I see myself as… Steven Saylor would know what I meant by that. Augers used to be spiritual leaders in ancient Rome who told the future by seeing signs in nature.

Applying that to myself I see myself and the road ahead reflected in the world around me all the time. Sometimes it just damn depressing. Sometimes it inspires tremendous hope and pride. It is especially joyful when you see so much good in some people that it fills my heart with pure bliss.

Although I have always felt this way, I stopped paying attention for a while and really ended up off track. You will see in a coming section on where these philosophies are a little more spelled out.

What brings this post into light: See, Adolfo and I have been having some troubles for a long time. Mostly in the area of patience, goals, and intimacy. Without getting too detailed, there are issues and we are both aware of them (‘nough said about that part). So, I have been really thinking about WHERE we are are going in this relationship and seeing it coming to a rather concerning conclusion.

I recently met another couple. We have a lot in common with these guys on a social level, interests, socially, and we click amazingly well from my point of view. There have been absolutely NO sexual inuendos or tensions to deal with… it has been a pure freindship which seems rare; in other words a lot of people I have met here in LV have had hidden agendas.

We went to a party at their house last week and had a wonderful time. Adolfo and I were the strangers there, but we had such a nice time it was like we were finally meeting the kind of people we should have met long before.

The couple seemed to click so nicely and even talked about their active sex life. I was jelous, I admit, starting to see wherein Adolfo and I were really far apart from each other.

A week later we all went out to dinner together and were talking very frankly about our lives and I guess one said too much leaving the seond feeling like he was betrayed or being called an asshole. They had a huge fight and nearly broked up over it and I was so stunned.

I talked to one, the one I usually talk to, and found out the perfect couple was not as perfect as I thought. They have the same issues we have, basically, and given they have been together as long as we have it is a relief. I started thinking Adolfo and I were doomed, but now I wonder how normal we are?

That’s the point of this anyway, that this couple became a reflection of my thoughts and worries about our relationship. I compared us to them and found out… it’s okay. We work on our sisues, but it is a relief to find out were not so different.

(BTW, I had a lot of this written and the damn browser went flukey on me and I had to retype half ot it. Ugh!)

Updating a previous note I entered: Allan, the closeted married guy I spoke of, has snapped and is aparently pissed off at me. He cut me off in AIM and has taken to ignoring me. As I wrote in this entry, I see life as a series of important lessons we can take from everyone we meet IF we are open to them.

Allan seems closed off to those lessons for the most part. He is more open to negative energy than positive, which is a shame. Someone told him he looked like Newman from Seinfeld and he totally flipped out and carried on for weeks. A guy he had been pining for, another closeted married guy, dumped him and he lamanted ENDLESSLY over him.

I have tried to give Allan helpful, positive information, suggestions, and feedback but it goes right through him and nothing sticks. I guess that is the way some people are, as much as I can see, but I have tried.

Admittedly, I have teased him and given him a hard time over his closeted circumstance because a lot of the stress he puts himself through is unneccessary. I told him he needs to share his feelings with his wife because they really seem to love each other a lot. BUT, they are also explosive and have issues. So who knows if that is actually a good suggestion? It’s better than sneaking around and lying all the time, isn’t it?

I’m no angel… as it were. I do bad things… 🙁 I just wanted him to be happier and less stressed.

Long Winded….

Allergy season is totaly kicking my ass and I have made my own cocktail of pills to fight it. I take Claritin-D and one of the Pink Pills at the same time. The Claritin wires me and the pink stuff mellows… so together I am even-steven. I worried at first that I was going to end up killing myself with pills, but this has actually made a difference.
I am allergic to female cats… their dandruff anyway. I am also allergic to something blowing off the mountains like pine or something. It sucks!
Tonight is my Friday and I am looking forward to being off. Wednesday I have plans with some guys and it should be way cool. Niko and Micheal are another couple I met through[redacted] and I think I like them alot. Moreover, I think Adolfo likes them a lot too because they seem so nice and so normal. Niko has a daughter from them (she is also on mySpace) and she is as cute as a bug. You can really see her as a young woman as she is maturing and comes across as such a nice young lady.
Whatmore… lately there are times when people want to talk to me and tell me stories that seem to go on forever. I have a very short attention span and if you keep telling me a story that goes on too long I tell you I am going to fade right out of every word. I may be looking at you, I may be ackowledging you, I made nod once in a while…. but not a single word is landing. Almost like this paragraph. This paragraph is about the max I can handle.
I also re-did my dad’s web site [redacted] last night and I think it looks really good. I enjoyed putting it together. I have 2 more sites I want to re-do in the meantime. My uncles and then my cooking sites as well.
The big announcement for me this month is that I have come to terms with the reality that I am not going to achieve what I want out of the cooking opart of my career. I have resigned entirely from making cooking a career and will, instead, make due with that I have. If I.T. is going to be my direction, then so be it. Unless international playboy is an opening I can taken… right.
I plan on taking some more classes soon and just riding the wave until I can move on with my life in a positive direction. I think I let too many people decide for me what I should do. Other people have been allowed to influence my decisions way too much!
Anyway, hope everyone is well.
I talked to Allan today on the phone and we talked abiout his life of lies where he is playing with men then going home and fucking his wife. I just don’t really get these married guys who live secret lives while being married??? There is a LOT OF THAT shit and I really think it’s wrong. I told him he should tell his wife and let the chips fall. He loves her a lot and she knows it… but she got burned by a gay guy once before whom she was engaged to.
Another guy here at work is in a simalar circumstance. It’s wierd, but HE is obsessing over another guy that works here. Obsessing to the point of annoyance.
I also talked to Sam and I really feel for him. I have always loved Sam for a variety of reasons and want to see him happy. I do not understand him all the time, but that is just the differences between people and outlooks on life. I hope that Sam will figure out the direction he needs to go in and get his life going again in spite of some of the shit he was burried in recently. He worries me a lot.
Sam is smart. He is a sweet guy. Sometimes misguided, sometimes he’s a bitch. He is someone you can hug and feel a genuine warmth from.
Terry may be coming to LV next month? I have to send him an e-mail to find out.
Mark posted a comment on this diary remarking about my description of him… I called him a Goth-Guy. Well, certainly I think that is how I sorta saw him. He is an interesting guy I could enjoy working with again if that oppurtunity ever came up. You know those poeple you may have met professionally… if they ever said I could use you… I’d move across country for him.
There are other people too. The people I worked with in Cambridge MA are the same.
I miss HostPro and CambridgePort Bank. Those were places I like to work at.
Anyway… I have carried on too long like I sually do when I have not written in a few days… talk soon….


OMFG is it March already. What the hell happen???? It seems Feb went by so fast… we’re almost a 1/4 of the year into 2006. Well, as it turns out I have been spending a sickening amount of time on[redacted] connecting with people and chatting and stuff.
Terry, check out “austin”, he is someone we graduate with and asked me about you. Of course I told him you were a poll dancer at the Mangina club off the Hollywood Strip and gave hand-jobs for $20… JUST KIDDING!!!!
I told him how well you were doing and if you want to get in touch with him there is a link there. We got updated on some people from High School and it turns out there was a 20 year reunion I guess we were not invited to. Imagine that????
Today I slept the whole day… I feel so good from it. I went to bed 2 Feb at 7:30 in the morning and got up at 8pm that night before going to work…. which is where I am at now. I’ve had nothing but coffee and jelly beans since coming in and I think I am vibrating.
Adolfo was a real DICK to me on Tuesday and I got pissed off and left the house. So the next couple days he was being extra nice to me. I even built him a mySpace thingy connected to mine so he can have a little fun like me! Unfortunately he can be a complete social ‘tard and make it very uncomfortable.
We went out to dinner with a large group of people on Wednesday night at the CheeseCake Factory in Boca Park and had a lot of fun. Kenny was being a poop again. He said he thought Brian was up to something. There were some interesting guys there. I thought it would be all couples, but there were a couple single fellers there. I had what was labeled a “Kobe Burger” that was nothing like Kobe… so skip that. It’s a fat tab for a burger… plllease.
I have been giving Allan a hard time. See, he’s a married guy who like dick. I called him a FAG and he said I was wrong. Later I called him a Queer… he still said no. Then then he told me how he likes masculine men and likes a nice sized cock to play with and I said… uhm, and you don’t thing you’re a fag????
He sounded hurt a little…. I was being mean to him and feel bad about it. He does have a lovely wife and he loved to fuck her a lot. Don’t get me wrong. I am not a black and white guy, I see a lot gray in the world. He’s obviously BI and I am just trying to get him to embrace it a little more.
Al likes to live in a rose colored world… though he has come a LONG WAY in the last couple years with acknowleging reality. His wife though, if she has not figured him out yet, I would be surprised. She almost married a fag once before… then she caught him in bed with another guy. It wrecked her and I think Al is sympathetic to that.
Funny how life is, huh? Al and I have been freinds a long time. We met when I was living in Boston and stayed in touch. He was a complete ASSHOLE for a little while, but I got passed that. I was so mad at him. Al was going to work with me in opening a business here in LV… got me moved here and setup… joined the COC… then poof the money was nowhere to be found. He delacred bankruptcy and all the plans were finished.
That’s all in the past. I do not think I vented over this all that time. IT IS in the past now. I appreciate Al, though, he was trying to be all things to all people. I rather think he still has a journey to travel, because he puts too much faith in the wrong people some times and should (in my opinion) focus on himself more.
But, the BUTT-HEAD keeps dragging his feet about visiting me here in LV. He has not been here since Sept 2001. Hello?????
After all of this ranting he probably won’t want to come.
Al likes ABBA and the web site www.SeanCody.Com….. hmmmm….
Changing subjects… Is this night almost over? Anyway…. Hope all is well! Scott

My job at the Venetian

As you can see, as of this morning, there are more changes to the appearance of the web site. I have been diddling these changes in my head a few days now and finally assembled them tonight. I was able to make a lot of chages to things I want to …. on this site and others.

It’s been a long night. I am at work right now and looking at the last hour ticking by. My job right now is a “show up and collect a paycheck” kinda thing. I am still working on my directions as I struggle to get direction in life. My passions with cooking are probably more personal than career? I’m not thrilled with this IT Department… the place I work at kinda sucks sometimes. BUT, the job is pretty skate on the Overnight shift anyway.

At this job when I work day or swing shift people are pretty upfront about treating me like a complete dumbass. People in this department are rude, condescending, arrogant and often pathetic. I have worked in IT almost my whole working life after the military and never have seen such a dysfunctional environment.

It’s not my problem. I said it already, I show up and get paid these days. Paid well, too! So, how can I kvetch too much?

I would like to find the dream job. It’s got to be out there because I had it before. When I worked at a web company in L.A. I had the best job with the greatest people. I still think back to the people I knew there and occasionally get to talk to them on-line. Mark, Michelle, and others. There was a guy named Garo who I was certain would end up in prison on a rape or stalking charge???? He was/is a nice guy but was a bit of a ‘tard with women. And there was Frank who I just recently found out from Mark that he was killed in a drive-by shooting. SUCKS!

There are some people here at the Venetian I really like that I am currently working with! Not all of them are assholes… at least the people at the Help Desk (75% of them) stick together and comizerate over the other butt-heads.

Why haven’t I started looking for another job? Well, I got my resume started. The reason I am not rushing out the door is because I have it pretty good as a worker-bee here. 8 hours a day, 1 hour paid lunch, they feed me, and on the over night shift I have to interact with a minimum amount of people.

Oh well… it will all come together. Cheers for now…. and tell me what you think of the changes!