
I was way wrong about my previous map to BurningMan… I have the correct information now. It is 495 miles from Vegas and estimated 10 hour drive to get there. It is located 120 miles north of Reno of all places… not sure why I said it like that in my head… yes, I type what I think sometimes.

Talked to Michelle today and she was sooooooooooooo jazzed about her experiences there and there is a page on the Burning Man site with people’s stories about their experiences. One guy gave an interesting story and made me very very very curious! Oh, the stories are so exciting sounding!!!!

The map up top might be kinda small, so I have a larger version available here.

I also was cruising around to learn more about the event and found some pics. I told Michelle and she totally remembered the water truck. So, this and the many things I have read are making me so excited about this journey!



The week of finals is almost over. Can’t say it has been all that bad. In fact – I am counting myself fairly lucky. We had a lot of projects and and they are all done. My biggest challenge is under a teacher whom I admire highly and I keep falling down there: my java scripting class. I am just not getting it.

Everyone says… some day it will just click. Yes, I’ve had those moments. But it so frustrating as I slowly advance. I am looking to my future and want badly to be able to script in Javascript and PHP. …some day

Does anyone like the new art???? tap tap tap … is this thing on?

Sunday… again

Another weekend bites the dust. Today was a day worthy of the record books in some way, because it was liberating. Yes, the same party atmosphere at the private pool. But at the end of the night we were all shocked to realize it was 10pm.

I’m still a little inebriated as I write this. So imagine that my eventual trek into bed is going to be a challenge as I am still wired and still buzzing from the events.

Other news… I had a date with that guy last night. Code name Gabriel…. not his real name but he wasn’t to be anonymous. Let’s see how long that lasts with me. He declined to go to the pool with me today and that was prolly a wise idea. It was good though… and as of today summer is over on the books. If there is another pleasant weekend left then who knows?

I invited a lot of people for the day today… each and every one of them flaked. Las Vegas is a horrible place to try and make friends. People are so unreliable. Ugh…. it makes me sick.

Okay… I am going to try and make it to bed. night night babys


I don’t want to lose this article from Cheryl from some feminist that wrote about Burning Man this year. So, I updated my official page (linked at the top) and am working on a Tribal name from my people. Maybe I should make an official poster for my tribe as well?????

If you want to post on this blog let me know and I will add you.

Map It!

The journey begins! I decided to see where this was from here and having my GoogleMap at the ready, Burning Man is not all that far away. I am like an excited little girl. I am feeling the joy and excitement of the upcoming events.

romance gets a rug burn

As mentioned in several of my previous posts… this is an homage (sp?) to the end of Summer 2008. This was from our outing at the pool. This is Ben with me in the image. Damn, he is cute.

Dating wise… well, I got hit with a right hook this weekend. NOT LITERALLY! A guy I have been flirting with for the last 3 years or so became available and called me. We were both in relationships and there was this attraction that existed. I never anticipated it would go anywhere. He recently ended an 11 year relationship with someone… no not Ben. This guy will be called Gabriel because he says I cannot use his real name … I decided I would kindly honor that for now. So let’s see what happens?

Okay! I have more pics and will be updating the new gallery soon! Ciao for now bitches!

Burning Man 2009: Official Announcement

I am officially announcing an organized trip to Burning Man for 2009; man you got to do some things in life at least once. So, I will be adding a section of my site just for that purpose. I will come up with a name of our community. We will caravan out and rendezvous at the site.

Already a few people have intimated a strong interest. So, the end of Summer 2009 will be a new dimension in spiritual growth for me and the ethereal souls who will join me on this journey.

Here is an interesting article on the event as wll as the main web site for Burning Man if you want to read more. As this gets closer I will add some more links so people can learn more about it… I will be doing my own reading.

2009 will be a special year for me and I want to share it with others too. There will be joy. There will be an escape from the modern world. But hell yeah there will be an RV to sleep in… ha ha ha!!!

hurrican ike

I just got this satellite image off the Weather Channel and can;t help but feel that Ike looks a little angry here. My Texas peeps better batten the hatches!

Cheryl, hold tight girl!

Allan, you lost too much weight so you will blow away easy… but you won’t float.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA… really , be safe


I spend too much time in my own head. My brain is going 20% faster than the rest of me and I do not even get the benefit of the intellect hat could potentially go along with that. Basically, the best applicable phrase is … spinning in my own shit. I like life on FF, but the problem is that it is hard to slow down.

So, I dragged my FAT nasty stinky ass out for a run tonight. It was inspired by Kenny Upton and some others I know that lost their boyfriend-weight and I am falling behind. While out jogging.. while out listening to pod cast.. I thought about 50 different things.

Back to Ben… the word is Patronizing. I wondered if he is patronizing the fat boy or being genuinely friendly? I’ve been wrong about people a lot. I’ve been right more than I have been wrong. It’s hard to tell because my antenna is twisted.

I have decided that the 3 guys I have crushed on over the last few months… none of them deserve me. I felt so strongly connected to these guys and in the end it was like a fiery plane crash in the middle of the Amazon.

I’m not fat… a little overweight. Okay, much more overweight than I should be but I do not think I look like I am 60#’ over. SIXTY! FUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!

No one is reading this damn thing anymore… I hear the crickets chirping. Even my most loyal fans have gone away… durn… 🙁

So, I have made a decision. Let’s see how long this lasts! I am going to diet through Thanksgiving in an effort to lose weight. I am going to do what it takes and see if it can happen. I know about 1/2 a dozen guys who lost between 30 to 50 #’s of fat and a couple that lost 180 to 220# of b.s. that prove it has to be successful.

Jogging, Yoga, and dieting. Wish me luck and give me your prayers….

…and where are all the comments from the people I gave Authoring access to???