Michelle and Ryan

So, I just talked to Michelle and Ryan. They are a couple people I once worked with in Los Angeles back in the day; they are a little younger than me. The company we worked at used to be one of the bigger Web Hosting companies in the country. Blah blah blah.. company sold and everyone laid off and lots of time passes….

So, I’ve made a few tributes to Michelle because I really like her spirit. Ryan was a decent guy I remember very well from the olden days… ha ha ha

THE POINT OF THIS ENTRY is that Ryan and I were talking after I talked to Michelle about a deom here in Vegas – which I seemed to have missed last week! ARGH!!! But, he gave me some links:

Las Vegas BM meet group
Pictures from LV peeps
– Apparently there is a lot of BM on Tribe.Net


new resource

There is a group not far from here that also has some BM information. In fact, the layout is pretty sweet. It gives some better general information on the event for newbies and the like.

Link to: AZBurners.Org

I had to post it because it helped me out a lot in understanding a few things. It also gave a cool map to the events from 2008. What was extra cool is that it provides a very concise guide for newbies; like me. Also gives information about registered camps.

cool pics and galleries

There is a gallery on the www.BurningMan.com site by a photog named Nightshade who has a lot of cool pic from last year’s BM.

I saw the art installation above on a few other pics, but this is the best one. This photog was Scott London who took this shot. Looks a little Photshopped, but not sure..

There is a lot to this event… this photo essay shows a lot. How does ALL OF THIS STUFF HAPPEN out there??? I am dying to know!!!!

Another cool pic above … photog

Here’s another…


And finally here is the link to Scott London’s gallery from last year… 2008

I must have gone through a 1000 pics on BurningMan.com …. I am learning more and more about what is going on at this place. It is simply amazing.

catching up a bit

I have not posted only because I have been talking to a lot of people. Plan plan plan! Perry wants to rent an RV up in Reno and drive from there.. and he is not wanting to stay the full week. It’s all good to me. I got to get my Latins to come into the US and party with me next year. Hear that Argentina? How about you in Mexico City?

I put postings for new BM friends on gayoutdoors.com and facebook.com; my facebook had like 8 members for the Burning Man thingy within days… have to check it again!

People… come play with me in the desert sun!


There are days when my self esteem hits the dirt. Tonight I went to Coming Out Day festivities in Las Vegas. It was a nice event, but the headliner had not shown by 10pm and I was over it by that point; it was Ultra Nate. What the hell happened to that career that she is on a shit stage with SERIOUSLY BAD LIGHTING. Sigh…

The real thing is that there were a lot of people there with friends and I was alone. Gr. Just sucked… I have few friends. I keep my circle small. but this is ridiculous.

Hmmm… tomorrow is supposed to be a good day. Still waiting for proof of that. The last few weeks have been a serious disappointment because people flake like HELL here. I am so frustrated. Nah, now I just depressed. Ugh…

Well, time will tell. School is over in a few months and life can go in any direction from there.

I’m tired and babbling now. I will update you about tomorrow if things go well. xo


Another weekend past and I am waking up this Monday feeling very reflective. I am deep in my own head again. I feel very lost in where I shold be in life because of some self doubt in so many areas. Funny? I think there is still some of that baggage from when I was a kid with a dad who told me – very often – “you’ll never be good enough”. I hear that in my head still.

On Friday I drove out to my mom’s and stayed for the night. I got to see my step-sis and and step-dad. Worrying about them a bit is playing with my head as well. My parents are struggling a bit and they can’t do much. Christine, my step sis, is there helping out a lot. I wish I could do that more… but I feel so selfish.

Meanwhile, my dad had a birthday this weekend and I made the obligatory call. There has been a lot of changes in our relationship since I was a teen, but I can still say I rate pretty low in his book.

Baggage Baby! Yeah, I got it. I am struggling a lot and am in this non-stop sand-trap. Emotionally, financially, and my career(s) are just floundering. My stress is getting overwhelming.

gay.com article worth reading

I found this article on gay.com. 99.9% of gay men out there under 40 could never conceive of anything but external gratification of their self-esteem; yes including my past antics. But there are some interesting statements about getting older and body image. Self esteem… all the stuff I am missing.

Click to see

another weekend

On the backside of another weekend, I am feeling very reflective and thoughtful about where I am in life again. Seems like I go through this a lot. I get an eternal message telling me that everything I am doing in life is a waste of time. My work with a web site I have been focused on for almost 3 months – someone pokes holes in the work (either really or perceptually) and now I feel like I am completely wasting my time.

It is very frustrating… every single person I have built a site for has been a pain in the ass on some level. No one knows what the hell they want and they think they know, but they don’t. Sigh, but in the end you just give them what they say they want and keep shaping it til they finally are satisfied.

People fucking suck.

So, I drove out to California Friday night and saw my mom. She and my step-dad are retired and are just making it through day after day. Both seem kinda bored with retirement. I worry about them a lot… and it was my dad’s birthday tool. sigh

pardon my frustration

I was thinking today about how flaky so many people have been. Just trying to get people together seems like I am asking someone to donate an organ. But, there are still a few people that I have found a connection with.

John (Mexican John) has been my rock all year with friendship stuff… although he want to be a putz on occasion. Deb has not been accessible with all the stuff she has been up to. Meeting Perry and Alex has been a saving grace… so I can count myself lucky enough; a bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush – as they say.

I have noticed I am obsessed with Burning Man 2009 and much less worried about meeting someone to date. Dating is relative… I met a guy and we hang okay but I do not think he looks at me like a boyfriend… which is fine.

Truth is I am too busy and he just just got out of a 11 year relationship. That does not add up together so well. BUT, it is nice we hang pretty well together. He and I have been flirting with each other for 3 years. Both of us were in relationships. I don’t know…

Check out my new blog/diary on Burning Man for 2009!