Beyond Basecamp at Joshua Tree last week

Last weekends campout was pretty cool. We had a great time and this is me just after waking up Saturday morning braving the cold in my kilt which soon turned into wearing jeans. Yeah… too cold out there.

I did meet some cool people I really liked. Now only a small percent were actually Burners, but the ones that were there really counted. I got to flirt and dance and eat and dance and flirt. And that was good.

I went with this crazy woman… BATT who is Hasher/Burner and just the coolest chick! She gets pooped out too early though… no guts no glory woman! ha ha ha ha


As great as last weekend was this weekend was a face plant. Ugh… I got my head wrapped around some plans on Friday so fiercely that the consideration to say fuckit when it started going sour was set aside. I really should have just gone home after work, but I didn’t.

I went to First Friday and walked that dog for a bit. Did not see a single person I even remotely knew. It was barren too and some shit local band was playing on the main stage – sad it was.

Now I am not being a negative-nancy. Just a bad night. I really wanted to go out last night, but could not get a person with their own means to go with me. Sure, this twink was wanting to go but I had to go pick his ass up and pay for his way in… uh, not. He was chatting me up on Adam4Adam… is it this age when we all think everyone is their mother?

Me – I am not sure how this evening will tapout. I bought a small steak for dinner and am going to make my Pasilla Pepper Risotto (See here).I got a nice focaccia bread and a tiny bit of one of my favorite deserts. Tomorrow back to work.

Friday, a website of mine was released. I am so excited. The CEO came up to me and said, ‘we’re going to push that out before the end of the day’. I was like … wow! See it here where I show the before and after of the same project. I have 2 more coming soon. I even asked my boss and the CEO if I could blog about the stuff I did… yeah.

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Curious Capricorn/Dragon

This one Astrology that I check in with combines my sun sign Capricorn with my Chinese sigh Dragon and in the reading below it is as if they know me well. Not to mention the “loss”, well since my car just went back to the bank I am hoping that is all it meant. Jinkies!!!

You’ve made it through 2009 without undue misery, Capricorn. None the less finances have been tight, your love life has been about as stable as the Argentine economy, and your family life has reared its niggly little head more than once. But you have made strides. And that’s what is important. In December, you may suffer a loss. It appears material. A car gives up the ghost? A lover defects? A parent suddenly divorces and gets remarried right under your nose? Don’t take it too hard. Wait it out. Work on your art and continue to develop your skills. December will also give you time to scour the nooks and crannies of both house and head so that you can start the New Year with a clean slate. Get rid of old junk around the house. Strive for minimalism. Organize your office. Do you have an outdated system of keeping information straight? I recommend going paperless. Pay your bills online and start an electronic database for storing any necessary information. Paper files are so 1999. Get with the times, Capricorn. You will save loads of energy and time if you accept the conveniences of modernity. You can retain some of your more charming conservative qualities like insisting on sending snail mail and choosing the perfect postage stamps for the recipients. But strive for more office efficiency. Enjoy the holidays. But watch your tendency to squander money. 2010 will improve your life immeasurably. But you will need some cash to get it started on the right footing.

So, interesting. Although it describes me as being somewhatbehind in tech – not. I got it going on technically, ha ha ha ha.

Heading off tomorrow….

Updated a lot of my visuals and content on my personal site tonight instead of working on another project. Shame on me. John stopped by to visit me after work… what a sweetheart. And to thik I was bitching about him a couple months ago. What an asshole I am …ha ha ha

Thanksgiving Day

My phone has been either ringing or messaging like mad today with some very nice greetings of this, one of my favorite holidays of the year. Why? Because I get to cook and I preferably like cooking for other people. I guess it helps I have a culinary degree besides my degree in web schtique.

Last night I whipped butter with this primo white truffle oil and then chilled it so it would be more solid. Then this morning I stuffed much of it (mixed with mixed italian herbs) under the skin of the bird. Popped that bad boy in the oven about 11 planning on it coming out by 3… and so it was. Basted it a few times with the same white truffle, butter and herb mixture.

Now I invited anyone who wanted to come by, but alas I was all alone. Not such a bad deal, but it felt really empty. Took me back to when Adolfo was still around and the Holiday meals we made together and how special it felt. I saw his neisce on line today and I came across the thank-you card from his other half-sister when we went to her quinsenera (sp?).

It’s funny how much I loved that guy and how much I was dedicated to him, then how little he saw those traits coming from me. He thought I used him for his money and I took him forgranted. When we started, I was the primary bread-winner of the house – which is someting he seemed to have forgotten.

No, I am not thinking I want him back. We had a good life together but the last year was pure poison. It ended much like the first time he and I dated. It can’t be too unusual for me to feel so melencholy right now given the fact he is the one man I was with longer than anyone. I never imagined us breaking up. If I cold know the old Adolfo and have the faith back that we cold do great things together… well that is reaching far.

No, maybe it is a reality that there is no one for me right now. I could blame Las Vegas but with the changes I have been through in the last couple years I wonder if I was really meant to be with someone.

Maybe I am saying this to trick fate into setting me up acting like I don’t want anyone. Ha ha ha… I’m not that clever and Fate is not paying me that much attention.

Uhm, I also made roasted yams and mash potatoes with a pan gravy wourthy of a good solid heart attack. No one came over and it was okay.

Year 2

My second year in the community here has been vastly different than my first. The stardust is washed out of my eyes and the fantasy has become a little more real. Of course this world is a bit of a fantasy to begin with. Not in a bad way, but in the sense that you really can disconnect from the mundane world and feel a sense of freedom and … say lack of being tied down… than where I used to be.

Of course there are ties of another nature, with the fact that one has to pay bills and one has to go to work and one has to feed the dog. One week a year that all goes away. Unless you are prepared there will be consequences from checking out for a week, so be prepared.

Just last week tickets went on sale for a day and I have not heard how the sale went, but I imagine it went quickly. These were expensive tickets, but at east some people will see them in their stockings for Christmas.

Burning Man tickets go on sale 1/13/2010 @10am. Be ready.

Anyway, my second year has been a big shift. I see the veterans backing off from a lot of activities. You my have read Dark Skies has been canceled. I see a lot of complacency, division, laziness, and bad attitudes. I cannot say I have been free of some of these attributes myself. Even I have felt the need to pull back from that energy a bit, so maybe I am not the only one sensing it.

This weekend I am joining a L.A. Based group of Burners on a campout down at Joshua Tree and am very much looking forward to it. Considering the many people who are going, this should be a seriously high energy event and I feel I really need and want that connection. So, I’ll write more soon. And hopefully with pictures.


I was thinking on the way to work this morning how much as I was a younger adult I thought I had the world in the palm of my hand. I thought about how much it seemed like all the answers were right there in front of me. I could see family and freinds falling apart, but I had my feet soundly on the ground.

I could imagine myself a crystal goblet full of good stuff. But today, I shook the box and heard all the broken glass shifting around. Right now, that is the real me.

quick catchup

Well, been a lot on my mind and a lot of things I wanted to write, but I guess tonight is going to be a series of short bursts.

1. my car is gone and I miss it a lot. However, I am tying to maintain a positive attitude about it and focused on taking care of things I need to take care of. Just got to watch my spending. I feel like I am spending more on food and other leisure items. Meh… am getting back on track. pay bills pay bills pay bills get debt down a little more….

2. started bicycling to work about 2 weeks ago. I sometimes take the bus. But, the 9 mile ride one way has been great. It’s one hour each way… however, one night someone threw food at me when they drove by one night. I hope karma kicks their ass.

3. I love my job

4. I am going away this weekend to another burner related event. Well, not burner directly, but there will be a lot of people there and they do the same shit burners do, party. Got a group of Las Vegas people going with me. Yey!

5. I miss cooking for wads of people

6. I’m no longer looking for a boyfreind. I find I might be better of alone. I have no faith whatsoever in any of the guys in this city. None. nada. nicht. nyet. The guys here are pigs – shallow pigs.

7. Forogt about Thanksgiving until I was talking to my mom on the phone today. I bought a turkey and some stuff to go with it. Now, if it is just me and my dopey housemate then so be it.

8. I miss some of my friends I have not seen in a while.

9. I have been going out on Saturday nights and letting loose. It’s been good.

Okay… that was a lot of not a lot. so, I will try and put more stuff on here… hugs!

just a quick note

There is never enough time in a day. When I was unemployed I had plenty of time, but had a problem getting the things done that needed to get completed anyway. So – there literally is never enough time.

I feel like things have been pretty mellow and I have been making the most out of my time off. Enjoyed Halloween for the first time in a decade this year. Made some new friends and feel really good about it.

Work has me nervous. Keep thinking I am not skilled enough to do the job. Everyone else is so far ahead of me and it sucks. However, I seem to be contributing on some levels so all I can do is keep on pushing.

As far as other issues are concerned.. the whole dad thing… perspective is coming back and it is just better he is not in my life. I know he is not the same man he was 25 years ago, but he is. I am a reflection of my parents and rather than focusing on the faults I want to focus on the positives.

The Flying Toaster is still here, too. I have to give it up soon unless I can find a way to refinance. I filled out a form on last night and will see what happens. sigh…
