Burned and Broken

What is it about the last couple of years where I seemingly burned a lot of bridges as if I was making some strange purge of people from my life? It started with my father and slowly it was as if I decided I no longer needed a lot of people in my life.

Some were absolutely toxic and dangerous, but some (as I look back) were left on the other side of a broken and badly damaged bridge with little to no hope of repair. I am left with SOME regrets and sadness that things were either out of context or seemed bigger at the time than they were.
Bottom line I am left behind standing pretty alone and pretty much either abandoned or standing over the bodies of the fallen.
It’s painful to think about the people that fell off my radar. There are some I loved so much and I honestly do not think the feelings are mutual.
I want to rip the skin off my body and put on another one and move on in my life as someone else. Someone better than me. Someone nicer than me. Someone who can appreciate people better than I.
On the verge of just letting go (don’t make more out of that than it is). I am looking for the reset button and looking for the path I am supposed to be on because I am stalled right now. I am literally in a hole I cannot talk about on this journal. Every day I stay in Vegas in this situation in this circumstance in this reality it is gunna get deeper.

That Guy

There are a lot of things going on in my life right now. I am in a tough place when it comes to surviving day to day while trying to make something out of the activities that I do. I work on web sites and help friends with P.R. for their businesses and am not getting paid for any of it. I even offer my services for free or trade. It amazes me when I offer a friend free whatever and I am turned down.
Since I became a member of this Burner “thing” I feel like I fell into a community that I really needed both for my sanity and my social life. I can’t say how many times I felt down and out and being around these people – well it is impossible to not fee lifted in the end. By being actively involved and working to make things happen occasionally I felt like I was opting in and being supportive. By defending the principles of this thing in a recent battle with another leader in the community I was defending a philosophy I believed in.

Burning Man is this social experiment that took a life of it’s own over the last 26 years. It began in San Francisco by a handful of people and now is a congregation of 53,000 people in the middle of the Nevada Desert once a year. But, there are a lot of regional and local activities. It is impossible for me to define what it is, so check the web site for more information: www.burningman.com.

So, how is it that so very very often I feel like I do not have a friend in the world? I mean there are people I love and care about… if I consider you a friend (of a certain caliber) I would do ANYTHING you asked for. If you are a friend of another caliber I would be there and be supportive, in fact my door would always be open.
All too often I am alone at home sitting behind this computer losing myself in a web site design, a writing project, a proposal for an art project, theme camp, or something else superfluous to the real world. I am that guy who would be more comfortable sitting in an empty white room than a crowd of people in a club or a party.
I am the guy who goes to the big party and works the door where it is safe and never really joins the party because there is an expectation that I interact or have fun with people I know, but still have trouble connecting with people on some important levels. I just do not know how to connect and maintain that very long.
I am in a rabbit hole and I feel like Tweedledum and act like the Catepillar, wishing I was the Cheshire Cat, but turns into the Queen of Hearts.
This is not a sad song entry, nor should anyone (mom) take too much from this. I am dealing with a lot on my shoulders and letting a lot of people down in the meantime. When I participate in this Burning Man stuff I get to enjoy Wonderland for a little while and the Burning Man Event itself is a complete disconnect from all the weight of the world.
Empty. Defeated. Hallow. Broken. Shaken. Anxious. Me.
After I broke up with Aldo he told me he thinks my “expectations” are too high when it comes to dating and other people. He could never live up to my standard, but there was a bigger issue there which was our age. We had 20 years between us.
I just cannot connect. The people I want to call my friends do not respond back to me the way I want to treat and honor them. When I say I would do anything for you, for all intent and purpose, it is really true. Let’s not get freaky with that, but when I want to share a part of my life with my “friend” and you stonewall me I then realize that friendship is/may not be what I thought it was. It breaks my heart.
I think one of the reasons I have a hard time connecting and trusting people is that almost EVERY SINGLE PERSON I called a friend of the highest level has stabbed me in the back. My relationships have been a series of abject failures  like roofing tiles on a house of cards.
I am that guy in a crowded room that feels like an empty desert.
In an entry like this I can only let out so much and as the page grows long and longer I feel like it is better to wrap up the sad tale early. The things I am going through right now are not things I want to share. Here are some bullets of the things I would talk about but can’t:

  • the fact that I miss a lot of people in my life who have moved on in one form or another
  • that the 2 true loves of my life are all I will ever experience again; one died 15 years ago and one lives 4 miles away and hates me
  • that I really go on my knees every night and thank God for the day and pray for EVERY member of my family and the people in my life having a hard time
  • that Tom the Dawg is getting older and I can’t take care of him like he needs to be and he is all I have
  • that I worry about my mom and my failures when it comes to taking care of her and returning her investment on me
  • that I am literally terrified I am loosing my damn mind because I am just so overwhelmed with anxiety almost every day

So – this is not a pity statement. But this is what is in my head every day. I mask it. I pretend these demons are not there. I deal with it all in my own way. I just get through every day.

My 2011 Burning Man

I updated my 2011 page for Burning Man today because as I roll forward I want some sense of my plans posted even if no one is paying attention. Grr…
Pity moment over! ha ha ha
Well, I am literally at war with two local strong figures in the Burner world because I am standing strong against their really bad behavior and I am getting my butt kicked by people who put their heads in the sand. There is always that danger that I was wrong, but I am getting a lot of support OFF the record and in some occasions ON.
The thing is Burners generally seem to want to stay away from drama and are willing to put up with crap and avoid avoid avoid rather than standing strong and saying – “oh hell no!” Me, I really believe in Burning Man and I believe in what the I get from the 10 Principles and I hate to see it crapped on like it is.
I cried about this in a previous entry on my Burner Blog and the drama has continued. In fact, the tension has continued. I made the post public because I felt it needed to be discussed publicly and when that happened it took new shape.

Where? What? Huh?

Been feeling like making an entry, but my thoughts were focusing on negative things and I think I need to vary away from all that. I get so angry when I think about the pure evil that Cameron and Melissa have inflicted on this community and how so many people think it is so damn cute.
Anyway, I am working hard on getting this art project funded and off the ground, but fate seems to be working against me again. Maybe I am just walking down the wrong road? I cannot seem to get people to support me on this endeavor at least not at the level I really need.
Anyway, I have  a couple garments I am finishing up this weekend and one of them is so cool looking! I will scan them in and post on my portfolio site. 🙂


Things have been going well, relatively speaking, and the blessing haqve continued to come. If only I could find some stable ground to stand on along the way.
I need to get a job or find some legal/valid source of income happening more than big art projects. This one project I am hoping will start to establish some credit because I am also joining with some other creative people to get this done. Apathy is killing me.
Saturday night was Winterfest and it was really cool. I enjoyed it a lot. I really felt something very different that night. It is special to know there are some people out there that are really supportive and loving. I looked and treated people differently, less with expectations, more with just what the universe was handing me.
In the course of that I met some cool people and hopefully set foundations for more cool stuff in the future.
I also had a meeting with some Burning Man brass on Friday and got some critical feedback from some things and I think I have already taken it to heart. Time for new pathways. The journey has been good, but it is time to make new paths.

2011 Moving Forward

This looks like it can be an exciting year with some of the things I am doing with Burning Man as an event I plan on attending and participating in for 2011.

Me and Monotropolis at Burning ManMy fear is that all these politics of the last year are crushing me and, although the damage seems like it is done, it’s time to just find my own feet and move forward without the interference with the dream killers. It is my own fault, but I have already lamented over this enough.

I have 3 art projects planned for this year and once I get these clicking, I am hoping to find inspiration for more. My flagship project for this year is called Final Passage; relative for the Burning Man theme “Rites of Passage” for Burning Man this year. It is taking great shape and I brought on two partners in the completion of this yesterday. I am seeking one more and then I need to get through the fund raising part of this.

The second project is called “gluttony” and it will deal with some of my issues with self-image and other baggage I am looking to channel into a presentation that is conceivably more simple than Final Passage for example.

Plan for Public Announcement delivered at After-Burn 2010Finally, is “Public Announcement” that I am having a problem conceptualizing. OR!!!!! I have it done already. Sep 2010 I made what my vision was and brought it to our “After Burn” and it did not translate. The delivery method, shown here, was lost on basically everyone. I am wondering if I bring it to Burning Man for center camp if it will translate in 2D instead.

The lessons from last year  trying to get “Monotropolis” to Burning Man resonate with me and I am taking those lessons to the bank. I got a lot of helpful advice from people who are today not my friends anymore and it makes me really sad.

Only hope is the light that leads my way through this journey and I stand radically self expressive and self reliant to get my goals accomplished. All I can do is hope and pray that the journey opens new doors.

2011 Has Begun

I have been very reflective the last couple of weeks with the beginning of the year. I am questioning my place in the community I have come to love so much.
One basic fact is there are a hell of a lot of really cool people whom I can say I genuinely love. Those same people send a lot of love back. If I could manage to find someone I could date with that same vibe, I would be the luckiest guy on earth.
There is a handful of people in that same group that I have managed to alienate and it is because I let myself, no put myself, into the political machine and am now officially chewed up as much as I can stand. You should have seen how much I worked to stay out of that role up to a point, but through a pseudo mentorship from someone I trusted who is a leader in the community I let myself get wrapped up in the wrong things.
It started with one nasty person who became a cancer in something so wonderful. Is it true, the one bad apple can spoil a whole pie, idea? Yes.

You either die a hero, or you
live long enough to see yourself become
the villain.

That quote from Harvey Dent in the Batman movie resonates in my head as I write this, and from an email I sent in private earlier today. Does it apply to me? Does it apply to Cameron? Either way, I feel like the one going down in flames.

I question my continued involvement for a lot of reasons. Will I make it to Burning Man this year, I am making every effort to get there, but not with the same energy I have had for the last 2.5 years.

As this community takes on fissures and fractures and comes undone I will continue to try and do my best. But it is time to pull the cord on the political discourse.

This is really eating me alive.

Burning Mondays

Burning Mondays happened again tonight over at the Artisan. They plan on doing it every Monday, getting burners together, and discussing various subjects.

I am stuck in a strange place with some people that were there and I  am feeling like the politicing is taking over my Burner experience on some levels and ruining things I thought I was working for. I am going to back peddle a bit and see if I can minimize that, but because I am in such a dire position with Cameron Grant it makes it hard.

Cameron has been as much as a good guy as he has been as asshole to me. And the funny thing is he has no reason to be an asshole. He said enough times he hates Burning Man to enough people that he should have resigned well over a year ago when he was hating on me for another whole other bunch of shit.

I can say that seeing some people more has shifted my position on the race to be a new regional. Some of the people I thought would make good candidates I am rethinking and some of the people I questioned I am feeling really good about. There was effort for people on both sides.

Anyway, more and more I am considering the possibility that if they ask me to be a regional, that I will have to decline. OR… accept the role temporarily for a year and move on. I think it depends on who they offer it to.

Sunday Sunday

Today was entirely a waste of a day. What do you do when you don;t get out of bed until 2 hours later than normal? What do you do when either allergy pills may have crossed with other medication leaving me a mindless zombie for a good part of the day. I could get nuuuuuuuuuuthing done today. Not even one creative pimple of juice in me to give.
I’ll say this… I had a good weekend. Considering how crappy my year started, there was a lot of reason to be worried for the rest of the year.
I had a first date with this guy on Friday night and he was really cool. He is only a year younger than me, which is a big bonus, but I am worried that we still have a lot to learn about each other, but hell! We had one date for 3 hours Friday, but we went to dinner last night and curled up on my couch for a movie last night. So nice.
So, time will tell.
As for today… I gave up. There is/was nothing left for me to give today readying myself for bed as I type this. I sincerely hope this year goes somewhere awesome… thanks mom for the support yesterday… it was the best.
Love and Light all