In a dark place….

When I started writing this blog as many years ago… it was a time when I was much happier. I am like a swimmer in the ocean caught in the rip tides these days often pulled helpless under the curling waters unable to catch a breath. I am in the wall of an ant trap […]

it’s broken

I have seen people walking around in this life and thought – he’s broken. You can see some people are stuck. Some people are still in the 70’s, 80’s or trapped in their own inability to latch on to life and move forward. Was it tragedy? Was it success in a certain time they glomed […]


I have been at my moms since Tuesday and since becoming officially homeless in San Francisco. Nothing is carved in stone and life has to be a little fluid right now while I figure out exactly what is going to happen with me going forward. My plan is to head back to San Fran on […]


Before I left Las Vegas I thought it was a good thing for me to “help” some local members of my Burner Community who I saw as being treated unfairly. This started somewhere around September 2010 and I just could not get the local support I needed, so I went to Burning Man themselves for […]


I have shared a lot on this thing. This is my personal journal. I have also sorta faded from posting as often as I have because it feels like writing here results in more negative drama than I would like. I am trying to focus more on positive things. Right now my stress levels (as […]

My Burner World

When the year began I started questioning what I was going to do with the future of this Burning Man thing. The politics and hate I have been beaten up with by certain members of the community was really taking it’s toll. This period of waiting while Burning Man back peddled through making a decision […]

Post #2 : Daddy Issues

So, I have been reflecting on a lot of things and about a year or more ago I got to the point where I realized that my biological father was never going to be a good influence on my life. I counted on one hand events in my life that were good experiences: 1. riding […]

Regional Burning Man Events: Dark Skies and TOAST

I just came back from another Regional Burning Man event called TOAST. Now I have something to compare it too, because a couple weeks ago I was at Dark Skies. I was thrilled to see more gay people at TOAST and more people who seemed to have less hangups on their own sexual identity. Here […]


On my post from last week I got some kind and supportive words. Some people made comments on the post while some sent me an email directly. If you are getting this through RSS or other means I want you to know it is appreciated. It is now more than 2 weeks of unemployment and […]

fucked weekend

This weekend was a lot about struggling with emotional shit. My mom was put into the hospital on Friday for a clot in her lung and an irregular heart beat. My step brothers and sisters really rallied. They did such an amazing job of coming together that I felt like I let my mom down. […]