Happy Monday! I imagine that most people are home today… that I know anyway. With the holiday today many did not go to work and that snow storm on the east coast has also got a lot of my regulars bundled up. Hey Chippie, no way you’re gunna be running around Central Park today, huh? And what about you Ian, freezing your juevos off yet, stud-boy????
Well, Gary, my Valentines went off quite well. The day started off really rough, though. Friday morning I had a mid-term exam with my purchasing class and the truth is I barely read a thing in the damn book. Thank goodness the teacher is realtively leanient when it comes to grading. Well, we went over the szuubject twice before the test so I had a chance to memorize a lot. He called me later int he evening and told me I got an A…. yipeeeeeeeeeee…
The day itself was rough and for the life of me I cannot recall why???? I furget! I know I was looking around like crazy for a gift I wanted to get Adolfo which is the Moodolph Cow and it can be seen on www.cowparade.com … I went to three malls and more stores trying to find it. Argh! I bought him a dozen roses, a Guess Bracelett (that was too big for him), and a nice dinner. I planned on making a big dinner, but that went to hell …. because I was NOT going to stress mass out in the kitchen for the evening. We went to Outback (www.outback.com) and asked to be seated… they said it would be 2 hours. WELL… I already had in mind that we should take food out and eat at home. We had dinner in 15 minutes and were gone! I had a lovely filet mignon, he had prime rib. We had a double order of coconut shrimp… YUM!!!!! Later I made a banana-caramel sauce and a chocolate cake… we had this with a nice bottle of champagne I have been saving!
Be jelous!
Sunday was also Adolfo’s birthday. I managed to get his sister to get him out of the partment by 11 and the surprise was scheduled to launch about 2… soI had three hours to decorate the cake, set up a buffett, decorate, go to the store (Micheals’s and VONS). Basically, this weekend I spent more than 500.00 of money that should be going to bills. I am now distressed over the whole money thing AGAIN though I made some nice cash this month… important events swolled that up. OH! Less than 10% of the people I invited showed up to the party… I was disapointed. Adolfo was thrilled. His buddies David and Scott were here and were very very very sweet. A couple guys I know who really like US came, his sister and her family, and a long time freind of his came solo… it was intimate and nice.
I got Adolf a t-shirt from FCUK for his birthday with a chick on it and next to it says “Magnificent Cock” … it got quite a laugh! You have to get one of those!