what a week! last saturday i let my blood sugar drop way way too low and was so dizzy, so I ate a quick bowl of cereal when I got home. It was a slow comeback, but then later I had dinner and felt better after. But then damn, my guts when nuts with diahrea and craps and woosiness. all of which i assumed had to to with the sugar thing. it went on for a few days – through thursday. the likely culprit was some chicken i got from sam’s club. tossed that out, been fine since i stopped eating it pretty much. ugh!
on top of all that – it’s allergy season. my ass is drugged up. i am drippy, sneezy, and sniffly. sexy huh?
starting to sound like one of those old people who only conversation is all their medical history. god i hate those people.
oh, and Tom-dog is suffering too. i think he has allergy problems as well… poor puppy is suffering. his eyes are already in bad shape with the gloucoma…
oh there i go again!