Today is my Monday at work. Today is a good day. No real drama. Lot’s of good energy floating around… which is good. There is a guy at work I don’t like, but we are not butting heads.
Today I got up and I had Special K Red Berries and a Yogurt for breakfast.
Then I got dressed and went to the gym where I had a good workout. I did my sit-up routine, stairmaster for 30, treadmill for 20… I was soaking wet from sweat after.
I showered and shaved. No small feat because I am now shaving my whole body daily for that smooth, silky look. Feels good unless I knick myself.
Then I went to the tanning salon and microwaved myself for 10 minutes to finish with a warm and toasty glow.
Trotted off to work in the Venetian. Parking is always a bitch here.
Showed up at work and they had pizza here. Cold, old 6 hour past prime pizza that was completely unedible. I would imagine the health department would shit if they saw this.
Anyway, I hear they are supposed to be bringing fresh pizza later on… I’m not touching it. I am fat enough as it is and since I seem to be losing a couple pounds here and there I need any headway I can get.
Adolfo is well. We are okay. We still have big problems but we seem to be surviving them in so far.
I sent my mom her Mother’s Day thingy on Monday and she got it on Wednesday already.
I sent schtuff to my dad and step mom and I have not heard from them.