I got an e-mail from Allan today about my FAT Rant… he has a weight problem himself and was there with words of encouragment. Isn’t that precious. Well, he has used that as an excuse not to come visit in 2 years… plus all of his other issues. Oh what a long list we weave… tangled web or sewn somethings… ha ha ha. (Allan just called me an “bloody” asshole somewhere)
The plan after work today is to see Harry Potter! There is hardly a really good theater to go to anymore… so much white-trash and ghetto scum that hang out anymore. The benefit of going to a newly released movie is that most people will not put up with people being asses.
Next 12 year old girl I see in the theater I am tazzzzzing her if she sits anywhere near me! Why is it girls and old black men think they can talk through a movie? Are they missing something????
Anyway, I have had a sucky day so far and I hope tonight proves to be somewhat relaxing. I come in late tomorrow so at least I can relax tonight. XOXOXOX