My time at Burning Man was a great lesson in my own life about me. I took some perspective of the world around me by visiting a new world. Burning Man is a trip to another planet. There is no doubt – what-so-ever- – that seeing and experiencing these people had an impact on my life.
People hug there when greeting and sometimes for no reason at all. When two people bump into each other – get in each other’s way, or spill something some hugs or says it’s okay or offers to help clean it up. People are generally open to each other without a single negative vibe.
You accept a person for being a freak if they want to be a freak. People who are destructive are forced to leave. Radical self expression becomes the norm. Me being a fat – socially awkward – middle aged man is still okay, where in the gay world I am still supposed to be rejected.
Gays at Burning Man are more at peace because it is as if we are suddenly more welcome socially and the sexual lines between us and them is much grayer! They are the sexual deviants and we somehow became more mainstream. Girls flip for girls on a dime.
Eh… there is always next year. My brain is a little friend. I am still a little ill from food poisoning from Burger King. PLEASE READ MY TRIP REPORT!