First Friday in Las Vegas Art District was today with a nice Burning Man focus. It was cool to have the art cars there as well as the costumes, poi, spinners, hoopers and tunes. I played a mix from DJ Spyder from AZBurners TOAST and our very own DJ Damian. The music was perfect.
What I did notice is that First Friday was totally weak about letting people know the Burners were out there. Not that they needed to or cared, because on this night they had a huge flow of people. It was one of the nicest (weather wise) First Friday’s I had been to.
I emailed Cindy at Whirleygig Inc (who runs First Friday) asking her if she had a twitter (like me x3) so I can follow them and their adventures with Whirelygig… blah blah blah no reply. I wondered also why Burning Man was not mentioned in anything they sent out. Kinda sucked.
There are a lot more pictures being posted. But there will be a hell of a lot more in Spetember.
Anyway, I emailed my community about a vigil for some fallen burners including Elias Sorkin and Holli Hollowell and 2 locally connected burners. Elias is said to have been murdered in Santa Cruz, California and they had not found his body. Holli was injured in a motor cycle accident in India back in March and literally came out of her coma last week. 2 local burners and freinds of Melissa were hurt in a motor cycle accident and are slowly recovering; but they will never be the same.
Between Holli and Elias I found myself emotionally attached to these people, though I did not know them. Maybe I sound like an idiot? I wondered about going into this vigil and one of my people explained he is an athiest and blah … yet I have some spiritually connected people… so I tried to bridge it to the middle.
I set up a table with a brief explaination with a pic of Elias and one of Holli and told people a little about them. I had a box with a slot in the top for people to put well wishes, prayers, thoughts, messages, what ever they needed to express.
The box will go to Burning Man with me and will be put into the fire at the base of the man on Sep 6th.
Now, I think that is some universal points?
Hm. More tomorrow. A few things are bugging me. But they might be gone after some rest. Or maybe this is better for my diary (other blog). sigh….