Burning Man 2024 – No, I didn’t go this time… but

These guys from the UK make fun videos and this came on my feed this morning and as I watched it there were tears. Behind those feels were a variety of emotions recalling the wonder of Burning Man in my time. I went to Burning Man from 2009 to 2022 every year and actively participated in the community from start to finish. But, the overwhelming reason I had to step out was because it felt incredibly lonely and isolating. 

Someone just pointed out that while I was in this community I was running a theme camp, I was a ranger for a little while, and I actively promoted events and things at the burn. I was actively engaged in other events with a lot of friends, but few understand how lonely I really was. One of my closest friends and I had an argument one night and that was a back-breaker for me. Friends who promised to be there for me ended up really hurting me. It’s true that these kinds of commitments between humans are really tested out there and if the bonds are not strong, healed, or unbreakable then they are likely doomed. I made choices… 

Would I go back to the burn. If the circumstances are in alignment I will go back in 2025 one last time. I will ranger. I will only go with people I can trust. I will not run a theme camp. I will go as a tourist with exceptions. 

I am certain that Burning Man is a long burning flame and is probably nearing it’s eventual end. The cost of going is just beyond reason both financially and physically. There is a lot that has changed over time and because of the stratospheric expense, most regular humans cannot go. It’s just unreachable and the ethos is tarnished by greed and instagram…. and yes YouTube. 

Posted in Burning Man, Burning Man.

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