Business and Getting the Business

I am sick as hell… it all started the other day. I went to a party with Adolfo saying goodbye to his manager; she was a really cool chick. Anyway, this hot guy who works with Adolfo was sick and then… look what I got. At least if I got this hot guy’s cold/flu I could have really earned it! Damn!

I also invested in promoting my restaurant concept for a 3 month position on the web that investors look at. FundingPost.Com is a site I think I advirtised before… but I had a long talk with an guy who is an investor and he pointed out a few holes in my concept which really has me reeling. Not from the point of view of someone who is stubborn enough not to listen, but from a perspective that I have a good idea and I have to get someone to pay attention and believe in it. is my restaurant. It’s a great idea! I can make 5.6 million in a year and those are conservative numbers. All I need is 300k to get it going. Can you imagine? Well, I can.

Anyway… I have been updating my cooking site with new recipes and articles. Check it out if you have time!

Adolfo is home sick now. He got this flu ting starting last night. I think he got it from me… this is an agressive little bug. I felt so bad even my hair hurt last night. Every fiber of my being hurt. I ached and wanted to die!!!!!

But, I feel a lot better now. Anyway…. take care all

Posted in Uncategorized.

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