Since I have moved into Vegas I have reconnected with some interesting people from my past. 1. My best freind from High School, Terry, who can be seen in my photo album during his 40th birthday from last year. 2. My one and only girlfriend Ruby (also in my gallery from 2003) when we reconnected. Both of these guys I am still in touch with and have reformed new and lasting freindships with. Interesting, huh? Well, yesterday I heard from a girl whom I had been freinds with in Junior High School.
Odly enough, I met Ruby and Terry at the same school. This girl was named Judy and she has since been married and had child, blah blah blah. She seems nice. She told me she moved to Santa Barbara right after JHS.
So, she is nice and is telling me in Chat that I was really nice to her… I probably was, but I doubted that I deserve all the kindness that she gave me. She said she has very fond memories of me. I can barely remember lunch today, so I hunkered out my JHS 7th grade yearbook (yes, I have it still and closeby) and looked her up. Yes, I recall her ever so slightly. JHS was an age where I was going through a whole lot of shit….
Well, Judy told me she named her son Scott in his middle name after me… remembering my kindness. I can hardly fathom such an honor. I can hardly believe I was ever so nice given the jaded, burnt out, shattered soul that exhibits his life on this web site.
Anyway… she remembers Terry and Ruby as well. She was shocked when I told her Ruby and I were together for 3 months as a couple.
I made some updates to Uncy Ed’s site tonight and set him up with a blog site and a new site I discovered. is conencted to blogger as well and you need to check it out. I set Eddie up on that, too, so he can possibly get some instant feedback on some of his work.
Cool, huh?????
Talk soon! Scott